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A-Z Alphabetical Cattle Breed Reference
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Breed Names - Cattle Groups - COUNTRIES/AREAS OF ORIGIN

Dabieshan 大别山牛 - bull - China
Dacca-Faridpur (extinct) - Bangladesh
Dagana (var. Gobra) - Mauritania/Senegal
Dagestan Brown (syn. Dagestanskaya Buraya, extinct) - Russia
Dagestan Mountain - Russia
Dagestanskaya Buraya (syn. Dagestan Brown, extinct) - Russia
Dagri - India
Dahomey (syn. Lagune) - Benin/Côte d’Ivoire/Togo
Dahomey Miniature - Germany

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Dairy Criollo (group) - Latin America

Dairy Criollo cattle:
Barroso - cow - Guatemala
Blanco Orejinegro - bull (2) - Colombia
Caldeano - cow - Brazil
Costeño con Cuernos - bull - Colombia
Cuban Criollo - cow - Cuba
Saavedreño - bull - Bolivia
Tropical Dairy Criollo - heifer - Costa Rica/Dominican Republic/Mexico/Nicaragua/Venezuela

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Dairy Gir (var. Brazilian Gir) - Brazil
Dairy Hungarian Brown (extinct) - Hungary
Dairy Hungarian Pied (extinct) - Hungary
Dairy Indo-European - Brazil
Dairy Maine Anjou (syn. Maine-Anjou) - France
Dairy Shorthorn - cow - United Kingdom
Dairy Shorthorn (Original Population) - United Kingdom
Dairy Swiss (syn. Brown Swiss) - Botswana
Dairy Synthetic - Canada
Dairy Zebu of Uberaba - heifer calf - Brazil
Dajal - Pakistan
Dajjal (syn. Dajal) - cow - Pakistan
Dales Shorthorn (syn. Northern Dairy Shorthorn) - England
Dali (var. Yunnan Zebu) - China
Dalmatinsko sivo govedo (syn. Dalmation Grey) - Croatia
Dalmation Grey - Croatia
Damara - Angola/Namibia
Damascene (syn. Damascus) - Syria
Damascus - cow - Syria

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Damascus-type breeds:
Baladi - cow - Egypt/Israel/Jordan/Lebanon/Syria
Cyprus - heifer - Cyprus
Damascus - cow - Syria
Damietta - heifer - Egypt
Egyptian - heifer calf - Egypt
Jenubi - cow - Iraq
Khalit - cow (2) - Egypt
Kilis - heifer calf - Turkey/Türkiye
Lebanese - heifer - Lebanon/Syria
Maryuti - bull - Egypt
South Anatolian Red - cow - Turkey/Türkiye
Tinos (extinct) - cow and calf - Greece

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Damerghou (syn. Azaouak) - Burkina Faso/Mali/Niger/Nigeria
Damietta (var. Egyptian) - heifer - Egypt
Danakil (syn. Afar) - cow - Djibouti/Eritrea/Ethiopia
Danara (not syn. Garre)
Dancalian (syn. Afar) - Djibouti/Eritrea/Ethiopia
Dangi - India
Dangjiao (extinct) - China
Danish Black Pied - cow - Denmark
Danish Black-and-White Milk (syn. Danish Black Pied) - Denmark
Danish Blue-and-White (syn. Belgian Blue) - Denmark
Danish Holstein (syn. Danish Black Pied) - Denmark
Danish Jersey - cow - Denmark
Danish Red - cow and calf - Denmark
Danish Red (old type) (syn. RDM-1970) - Denmark
Danish Red Holstein - Denmark
Danish Red Pied (syn. Dansk Rødbroget Kvæg) - cow - Denmark
Danish Red and White (syn. Dansk Rødbroget Kvæg) - Denmark
Danish Red-and-White Shorthorn (syn. Dansk Rødbroget Kvæg) - Denmark
Danish Shorthorn (syn. Korthorn) - Denmark
Dansk Blåhvidt kvæg (syn. Belgian Blue) - Denmark
Dansk blåkvæg - Denmark
Dansk Jersey - Denmark
Dansk Korthorn (syn. Danish Shorthorn) - Denmark
Dansk Rødbroget Kvæg - Denmark
Danube (former var. Austrian Simmental, extinct) - Austria
Danyang (syn. Shandong) - China
Daomé (syn. Dahomey) - Angola
Dar el Reih (syn. Butana) - Sudan
Darbalara (strain Australian Milking Shorthorn, extinct) - Australia
Dark Andalusian (re. Retinta) - Spain
Dashtiari - Iran
Dauara (syn. Garre)
Daura (not syn. Garre)
Dawara (syn. Garre) - Somalia
Dazzal (re. Dajjal) - Pakistan
De Combat (syn. Brave) - bull - France
De la Tierra (syn. Avileña-Black Iberian) - Spain
de la Tierra (syn. Canary Island) - Spain
de la Tierra (syn. Palmera) - Spain
De Lidia (re. Fighting bull) - France/Portugal/Spain
Deep Red (syn. Brandrood) - Netherlands
Dega (re. Abyssinian Shorthorned Zebu) - Ethiopia
Dehong (var. Yunnan Zebu) - China
Del Cubante (syn. Marchigiana) - Italy
Del País (syn. Alistana-Sanabresa) - Spain
Delami (syn. Nuba, extinct) - Sudan
Dembia - Ethiopia

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- cattle breeds
(cow, bull, heifer, heifer calf, bull calf, ox, steer):
Afrikaander (syn. Africander, imported)
Alur - cow - DR Congo
Angolan (imported)
Ankole - heifer, cow - Burundi/DR Congo/Rwanda/Tanzania/Uganda
Bahima - cow - DR Congo/Uganda
Bahu (syn. Lugware) - DR Congo/Uganda
Bashi - DR Congo
Beefmaster (imported)
Bhagnari (imported)
Bleu Blanc Belge (syn. Belgian Blue, imported)
Blukwa (syn. Alur) - DR Congo
Bonsmara (imported)
Brahman (imported)
Brun Suisse (syn. Brown Swiss, imported)
Charolais (imported)
Dahomey (syn. Lagune, imported)
Dhanni (imported)
Guernsey (imported)
Hereford (imported)
Jersey (imported)
Kisantu - DR Congo
Kivu - cow and bull - DR Congo
Limousin (imported)
Lugware - bull - DR Congo/Uganda
Mateba - DR Congo
N’Dama - cow - West Africa
Nelore (imported)
Nioka (syn. Alur) - DR Congo
Pie Noire (syn. Holstein, imported)
Red Sindhi (imported)
Sahiwal (imported)
Santa Gertrudis (imported)
Shorthorn (imported)
Simmental (imported)
Tharparkar (imported)
Watusi - cow - DR Congo/Rwanda/Tanzania

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Demonte (extinct) - Italy
Dengchuan 邓川牛 - cow - China

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DENMARK - cattle breeds
(cow, bull, heifer, heifer calf, bull calf, ox, steer):
Aberdeen-Angus (imported)
Agersø (syn. Agersøkvæg) - Denmark
Agersøkvæg - Denmark
Belgisk Blåhvidt Kvæg (syn. Belgian Blue, imported)
Black Pied Jutland (syn. Sortbroget Jydsk Malkekvaeg, extinct) - Denmark
Black Spotted Jutland Milk (syn. Sortbroget Jydsk Malkekvaeg, extinct) - Denmark
Black-and-White Jutland (syn. Sortbroget Jydsk Malkekvaeg, extinct) - Denmark
Blonde d’Aquitaine (imported)
Brahman (imported)
Charolais (imported)
Danish Black Pied - cow - Denmark
Danish Holstein (syn. SDM - Dansk Holstein) - Denmark
Danish Jersey (syn. Dansk Jersey) - cow - Denmark
Danish Red (syn. Rød Dansk Malkerace) - cow and calf - Denmark
Danish Red Holstein - Denmark
Danish Red Pied (syn. Dansk Rødbroget Kvæg) - cow - Denmark
Danish Red and White (syn. Dansk Rødbroget Kvæg) - Denmark
Danish Red-and-White Shorthorn (syn. Dansk Rødbroget Kvæg) - Denmark
Danish Shorthorn (syn. Korthorn) - Denmark
Dansk blåkvæg - Denmark
Dansk Jersey - Denmark
Dansk Rødbroget Kvæg - Denmark
Dexter (imported)
DRH (syn. Danish Red Holstein) - Denmark
DRK (syn. Dansk Rødbroget Kvæg) - Denmark
Faeroes cattle - heifer - Faroe Islands
Finsk Ayrshire (syn. Finnish Ayrshire, imported)
Fleckvieh (syn. Simmental, imported)
Galloway (imported)
Gelbvieh (imported)
Grauvieh (syn. Tiroler Grauvieh, imported)
Hereford (imported)
Highland Cattle (imported)
Hinterwälder (imported)
Islandsk kvæg (imported)
Jutland Black Pied (syn. Sortbroget Jydsk Malkekvaeg, extinct) - Denmark
Jutland (syn. Jysk Kvæg) - Denmark
Jutland Cattle (syn. Jysk Kvæg) - Denmark
Jysk Kvæg - heifer calf - Denmark
Korthorn - Denmark
Limousine (imported)
Murray Grey (imported)
Norsk Rødt Fe (imported)
Økvæg (syn. Agersøkvæg) - Denmark
Piemontese (imported)
Pinzgauer (imported)
Rød Dansk Malkerace - Denmark
Rød Dansk Malkerace anno 1970 (RDM-1970) - Denmark
Salers (imported)
Sayaguesa (imported)
SDM - Dansk Holstein - cow - Denmark
Simmental (imported)
Skotsk Højlandskvæg (syn. Highland, imported)
Sortbroget Dansk Malkerace anno 1965 (SDM-1965) (syn. Danish Black Pied) - Denmark
Sortbroget Jydsk Malkekvaeg (extinct) - Denmark
Sweizisk Brunkvæg (syn. Brown Swiss, imported)
Texas Longhorn (imported)
Ungarsk Steppekvæg (syn. Hungarian Grey, imported)
Wagyu (imported)
Watusi (imported)
Welsh Black (imported)
White Park Cattle (imported)
Zebu (imported)

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Deogir - India
Deoni - bull - India
Derbyshire Blue (syn. Blue Albion) - heifer - England
Des Lagunes (syn. Manjaca) - Guinea-Bissau
Desan (syn. Gir) - India
deshi (= native)
Deshi (syn. Binjharpuri) - India
Deshi (syn. Ghumusari) - India
Deshi (syn. Khariar) - India
Deshi (syn. Motu) - India
desi (= local/indigenous) - India
Deutsch Angus (syn. German Angus) - Germany
Deutsche (= German)
Deutsche Holstein Rotbunt (syn. German Red Pied Holstein) - cow - Germany
Deutsche Rotbunte (syn. German Red Pied) - heifer - Germany
Deutsches Braunvieh (syn. German Brown) - cow - Germany
Deutsches Gelbvieh (syn. Gelbvieh) - China
Deutsche Holstein Schwarzbunt (syn. German Holstein) - Germany
Deutsches Fleckvieh (syn. German Simmental) - Germany
Deutsches Schwarzbuntes Niederungsvieh (syn. German Original Black Pied) - Germany
Deutsches Schwarzbuntes Rind (syn. East German Black Pied cattle) - Germany
Deutsches Shorthorn (syn. German Shorthorn) - Germany
Deutsches Simmental (syn. German Simmental) - Germany
Deutsches-Angus-Fleischrind (syn. German Angus) - Germany
Devani (var. Deoni) - India
Devarakota - India
Devni (var. Deoni) - India
Devon - cow - England
Dewsland (extinct) - Wales
Dexter - bull - Ireland
Dexter-Kerry (syn. Dexter) - Ireland
Dhaka-Faridpur (syn. Dacca-Faridpur, extinct) - Bangladesh

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Dhanni - Pakistan
Dhofari - Oman
Diakoré (not syn. Djakoré)
Diali (syn. Djelli) - Niger
Didinga (var. Mongalla) - Sudan
dimdzo (re. dzo) - Nepal
dimjo (re. dzo) - Nepal
dimschu (re. dzo) - Nepal
Dinamarquesa Vermelha (syn. Danish Red) - Brazil
Dinka (re. Nilotic Sanga) - Sudan
Diqing - China
Dirbani (syn. Hassawi) - Saudi Arabia
Dishley (obs. syn. Longhorn) - bull - England
Dishti (var. Iraqi) - Iraq
Dithmarscher (extinct) - Germany
Diyarbakir (extinct) - Turkey/Türkiye
Djafoun (syn. Red Bororo) - Cameroon
Djakoré - cow, bull - Senegal
Djakoré (syn. Bambara) - Burkina Faso/Côte d’Ivoire/Mali
Djali (syn. Djelli) - Niger
Djebeli (syn. Arab) - Israel
Djebeli (syn. Baladi) - Syria
Djebeli (syn. Jordan Baladi) - Jordan
Djebeli (syn. Lebanon Baladi) - Lebanon
Djelani (not syn. Jaulan)
Djeli (syn. Djelli) - Niger
Djelli - Niger/Nigeria
Djerba (var. Brown Atlas) - Algeria

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DJIBOUTI - cattle breeds
(cow, bull, heifer, heifer calf, bull calf, ox, steer):
Afar - cow - Djibouti/Eritrea/Ethiopia
Danakil - cow - Djibouti/Eritrea/Ethiopia
F1-Generation - Djibouti
Frisonne (syn. Holstein-Friesian, imported)
Holstein (imported)
Somali (imported)
Zebu autochtone - Djibouti

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Djokore (not syn. Djakoré)
Djoloff (var. Gobra) - Mauritania/Senegal
Dnieper (var. Ukrainian Beef) - Ukraine
Dnieper RM-1 (syn. Dnieper) - Ukraine
Doai (not syn. Namchi)
Doayo (syn. Namchi) - Cameroon
Doba (syn. Kereyu; re. Abyssinian Shorthorned Zebu) - Ethiopia
Dobe (syn. Sheko) - Ethiopia
Dobrogea Red - Romania
Dobruja Red (syn. Dobrogea Red) - Romania
Doddadana (syn. Amritmahal) - India
Doğu Anadolu kırmızı (syn. East Anatolian Red) - Turkey/Türkiye
Dohin - Ethiopia/Sudan
Dølafe - heifer, heifer calf - Norway
Døle (syn. Dølafe) - Norway
dolinowa (= lowland) - Poland
Domaće šareno goveče (syn. Serbian Pied) - Serbia
domestic yak - ox - Altai, Himalayas, Mongolia, Tibetan plateau
Domesticated banteng (syn. Bali cattle) - Indonesia
Domiati (syn. Damietta) - Egypt
Domiatta (syn. Damietta) - Egypt
Domiatti (syn. Damietta) - Egypt

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DOMINICA - cattle breeds
(cow, bull, heifer, heifer calf, bull calf, ox, steer):
Brahman (imported)
Brangus (imported)
Creole - cow - Barbados/Dominica/Guyana
Holstein (imported)
Jersey (imported)
Puerto Rican - cow - Barbados/Cuba/Dominica/Puerto Rico/Tobago/Trinidad
Red Poll (imported)

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Dominican Criollo - cow - Dominican Republic

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DOMINICAN REPUBLIC - cattle breeds
(cow, bull, heifer, heifer calf, bull calf, ox, steer):
Brahman (imported)
Criollo Lechero Dominicano - heifer calves - Dominican Republic
Criollo Lechero Tropicana (syn. Criollo Lechero Dominicano) - Dominican Republic
Dominican (syn. Dominican Criollo) - Dominican Republic
Dominican Criollo (var. Tropical Dairy Criollo) - cow - Dominican Republic
Holstein (imported)
Improved Criollo (syn. Criollo Lechero Dominicano) - Dominican Republic
Jersey (imported)
Milking Criollo (syn. Criollo Lechero Dominicano) - Dominican Republic
Pardo Suizo (syn. Brown Swiss, imported)
Puerto Rican (imported)
Romana Red (syn. Romana Rojo) - bull - Dominican Republic
Romana Rojo - Dominican Republic
Simmental (imported)
Tropical Dairy Criollo (syn. Criollo Lechero Dominicano) - Dominican Republic

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Domshino (syn. Yaroslavl) - Russia
Domshinskaya (syn. Yaroslavl) - Russia
Domyati (syn. Damietta) - Egypt
Doñana (syn. Marismeña) - Spain
Donau (syn. Danube, extinct) - Austria
Donayo (not syn. Namchi)
Dongari (syn. Deoni) - India
Dongarpati (re. Deoni) - India
Dongarpatti (syn. Deoni) - India
Donggala - Indonesia
Dongola - heifer - Sudan
Dongolé (syn. Kuri) - Cameroon/Chad/Niger/Nigeria
Donnersberg (re. Glan) - Germany
Donnersberger Rotvieh (syn. Donnersberg) - Germany
Doppelnutzung Rotbunt - cow - Germany
Doran - bull - Costa Rica
Dorna - cow - Romania
Dornod steppe beef (syn. Dornod talyn Hevshil) - Mongolia
Dornod Taliin Bukh - bull - Mongolia
Dornod talyn Hevshil - cow, bull - Mongolia
Dornor mongolyn ulaan - cow - Mongolia
Dörtyol (extinct) - Turkey/Türkiye
Doteli Gai (syn. Khaila) - Nepal
Double Muscled - Canada
Doumyatti (type Baladi) - Egypt
Dowayo (not syn. Namchi)
DP-BBB (re. Belgian Blue) - Belgium

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DR CONGO (Democratic Republic of the Congo, DRC) - cattle breeds see DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO

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Drakensberger - cow - South Africa
Draught Master (syn. Droughtmaster) - Botswana
Drenthe (extinct) - Netherlands
DRH (syn. Danish Red Holstein) - Denmark
dridzo (re. dzo) - Tibet
Drimmon (syn. Droimeann) - Ireland
DRK (syn. Danish Red Pied) - Denmark
Droimeann - cow - Ireland
Droimfhionn (syn. Droimeann) - Ireland
Drontheimer (not syn. Red Trondheim)
Droughtmaster - young bull - Australia
Dschau-bei (syn. Zaobei) - China
Dscholan (not syn. Jaulan)
Dual Purpose Blue (re. Belgian Blue) - Belgium
Dual Purpose Shorthorn (syn. Milking Shorthorn/Canada)
Duara (not syn. Garre)
Dulong 独龙牛 (syn. Mithun) - bull, young bull - China
Dumiati (syn. Damietta) - Egypt
Dumyati (syn. Damietta) - Egypt
Dun Galloway (var. Galloway) - Scotland
Dunlop (obs. syn. Ayrshire) - Scotland
Durham (re. Beef Shorthorn) - England
Durham Red (var. American Shorthorn) - USA
Durham-Manceaux-Normand (obs. syn. Saosnoise ) - France
Durham-Mancelle (obs. syn. Maine-Anjou) - France
Duruma - Kenya
Dutch (re. Friesian group)

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Dutch (group) - Netherlands

Dutch cattle:
Black Pied Dutch Friesian (syn. Zwartbont Fries-Hollands) - Netherlands
Dutch Black Pied HF - cow - Netherlands
Dutch Improved Red Pied - bull - Netherlands
Dutch Red Pied Dual-Purpose - Netherlands
Groningen Whiteheaded - cow - Netherlands
Meuse-Rhine-Yssel - bull - Netherlands
Red Pied Friesian - cow - Netherlands

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Dutch Argentine (syn. Holando Argentino) - Argentina
Dutch Belt (syn. Dutch Belted) - USA
Dutch Belted - cow, bull - USA
Dutch Black Pied HF - cow - Netherlands
Dutch Dairy - Netherlands
Dutch Friesian - South Africa
Dutch Friesian (syn. Fries Hollands (FH), zwartbont) - cow - Netherlands
Dutch Improved Red Pied - bull - Netherlands
Dutch Lowland (obs. syn. Dutch Black Pied) - Netherlands
Dutch Red Pied (re. Meuse-Rhine-Yssel) - Netherlands
Dutch Red Pied Dual-Purpose - Netherlands
Dutch Red-and-White (syn. Meuse-Rhine-Yssel) - Netherlands
Dutch Whitebacked (syn. Witrik) - Netherlands
dwarf (type of cattle)

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dwarf cattle:
Achham - Nepal
Albanian Dwarf - Albania
Bengali - Bangladesh/India
Betizu - cow - France/Spain
Cachena/Portugal - cow, bull and cow - Portugal
Cachena/Spain - bull, cow - Spain
Chagga - Tanzania
Dagestan Mountain - Russia
Dexter - bull - Ireland
Indian Hill - India
Kabyle (var. Brown Atlas) - Algeria
Kedah-Kelantan - Malaysia
Konari (var. Afghan) - cow - Afghanistan
Madhya Pradesh dwarf zebus - India
Malnad Gidda - India
Nepalese Hill (syn. Pahadi) - Nepal
Nuba Mountain - cow - Sudan
Oman Zebu - Oman
Posavina (extinct) - Croatia/Bosnia
Punganur - India
Rodopi - Bulgaria
Sinhala - bull - Sri Lanka
Socotra - Yemen
Tibetan - Tibet
Valachian Dwarf (extinct) - Czechia
Vechur - India
West African Dwarf Shorthorn - West Africa
West Macedonian (var. Greek Shorthorn) - Greece

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Dwarf Cow (syn. Vechur) - India
Dwarf Humpless (re. West African Dwarf Shorthorn) - West Africa
Dwarf Shorthorn (re. West African Dwarf Shorthorn) - West Africa

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Dwarf Shorthorn (group) - West Africa

Dwarf Shorthorn cattle:
Bakweri - Cameroon
Forest Muturu - Nigeria
Gambia Dwarf - Gambia
Lagune - Benin/Côte d'Ivoire/Togo
Liberian Dwarf - Liberia
Manjaca - Guinea-Bissau

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Dwarf-zebus of Madhya Pradesh (re. Madhya Pradesh dwarf) - India
Dynevor - Wales
dzo - cow - Tibet
dzobo (re. dzo) - Tibet
dzomo (re. dzo) - Tibet

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