Santa Gertrudis
(most common name)
(transboundary/brand name)
local/other name:
• Santa Gertrudes (Angola)
The Santa Gertrudis is a zebu-taurine crossbreed consisting of (3/8) Brahman and (5/8) Shorthorn.
The Santa Gertrudis was developed by Robert Kleberg from 1910–1940 on the King Ranch in south Texas. This is the largest ranch in the United States (larger than the state of Rhode Island).
The King Ranch, established in 1853 by Capt Richard King, is not one single contiguous plot of land; it consists of four large divisions which are named Santa Gertrudis, the Laureles, the Encino and the Norias.
The Santa Gertrudis is described as:
• horned or polled
• solid cherry-red coat
• minor white marks, if any, on the underline
New composite breeds based on the Santa Gertrudis include:
• Brazos
• Santa Cruz
This page was last updated on: 2024-01-26
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