The Cow Wall® was LIVE on the walls of New Seasons Market in Vancouver (Washington, USA) for the month of January 2020. It had Cows & Curds Volume I, plus The Purple Cow and 5-Up Cow Wall Frames with 5 bovines in each. Yay!
What is The Cow Wall®?
The Cow Wall® is a daily on-going project. Cattle breeds are thoroughly researched and then made into Cow Wall images.
Where will The Cow Wall® go? Schools, agricultural centers, state fairs, your street, your parking lot – anywhere, basically.
The Cow Wall® - Screen
(above image is a screen rough draft)
• 1,800 bovines (alphabetical and by country)
• 22 panels with up to 175 bovines on each panel
• panels listing sponsors
The two-sided screen: cattle breeds in alphabetical order on one side; cattle breeds by country on the other side; one end panel listing sponsors facing both sides.
The Cow Wall® - Gallery
(above image is a gallery rough draft)
Larger images of cattle breeds would be displayed alphabetically in one area and then (if room) displayed by country in another area – also with a listing of sponsors.
The Cow Wall® - Touchscreen
(above image is a touchscreen rough draft)
Why not have a touchscreen display for science museums, children's museums and agricultural centers? Displays that you could scroll and touch to select a breed, then see a map of where the breed is from, some history and what that breed’s average height is as compared to you – and that’s just for starters.
How can you help?
FIRST - It takes money to print posters and panels. You can buy the My Daily Cow® App (go here for a full description of the app).
SECOND - Send me your cow photos from anywhere in the world. Tell me about a breed you know and do not see yet on The Cow Wall®
THIRD - If you think you have a better looking example of a cattle breed that is already on The Cow Wall® – send that too.
Tell me:
- What breed you think it is (if you have any idea).
- Where on this planet you took the picture (very important) – name a city close by or some other geographic reference point or the GPS coordinates.
Send your cows to:
FINALLY - Spread the word! The Cow Wall® is coming.