Mason's World Dictionary of Livestock Breeds, Types and Varieties
6th Edition
by Valerie Porter
Published by CABI Publishing
©2020 CAB International
Mason's World Dictionary of Livestock Breeds, Types and Varieties
5th Edition
by Ian Mason
Revised by Valerie Porter
Published by CABI Publishing
©2002 CAB International
Mason's World Encyclopedia of Livestock Breeds and Breeding, 2 Volume Pack
1st Edition
by Valerie Porter, Lawrence Alderson, Stephen J.G. Hall, D. Phillip Sponenberg
Published by CABI Publishing
©2016 CAB International
Cattle Breeds - An Encyclopedia
by Marleen Felius
Published by Misset uitgeverij bv
©1995 Marleen Felius
Cattle - A Handbook to the Breeds of the World
by Valerie Porter
Published in 2007 by Crowood Press Ltd
©1991 Valerie Porter
The Field Guide to Cattle
by Valerie Porter
Published by
Voyageur Press
©2008 Valerie Porter
World Cattle, I: Cattle of Europe, South America, Australia, and New Zealand (Norman, 1970)
World Cattle, II: Cattle of Africa and Asia (Norman, 1970)
by John E. Rouse
Published by University of Oklahoma Press
©1970 University of Oklahoma Press
World Cattle, III: Cattle of North America (Norman, 1973)
by John E. Rouse
Published by University of Oklahoma Press
©1973 University of Oklahoma Press
Smithsonian Institution - Animal
The Definitive Visual Guide to the World's Wildlife
Editors-in-Chief David Burnie and Don E. Wilson
Published by DK Publishing, Inc
©2001 Dory Kindersley Limited
Bovine Anatomy
with Christoph K. W. Mülling and Paul R Greenough
Scientific Illustration: Gisela Jahrmärker, Renate Richter,
Diemut Starke
Second, extended edition
©2011 Schlütersche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG
Cattle of the World
John B. Friend, B.Sc.(Agric)
Illustrations by Denis Bishop
©1978 Blandford Press Ltd.
Essential Guide to Calving
by Heather Smith Thomas
Published by
Storey Publishing
©2008 Heather Smith Thomas
A Raça Bovina Transtagana
by Fernando de Sommer D’Andrade
Razas Europeas de Ganado Bovino
FAO: Agricultural Studies
Volume II
by M. H. French in collaboration with I. Johansson, N. R. Joshi and E. A. McLaughlin
©1969 FAO
The Abergelle and Irob cattle breeds of North Ethiopia
by M. Zerabruk and O. Vangen
Animal Genetic Rresources Information
©2005 FAO
by Dr. Lham Tshering, Dr. D. B. Rai
National Biodiversity Centre, Bhutan
Collection, analysis and cryopreservation of semen from Malayan gaur (Bos gaurus hubbacki): A preliminary study
Open Veterinary Journal
Beef Production: The Commonwealth and International Library: Agriculture and Forestry Division
by T. L. Dodsworth, B.Sc. (Agr.), Ph.D.
Breeding Systems for Beef Production
by Stephen P. Hammack, Ph.D.
Agricultural Communications, The Texas A&M University System
Cattle Types and Breeds Characteristics and Uses
by Stephen P. Hammack, Ph.D.
Agricultural Communications, The Texas A&M University System
Living With Herds
Human-Animal Coexistance in Mongolia
by Natasha Fijn
Cambridge University Press
Maintaining crossbred populations of dairy cattle in the tropics
Animal Genetic Rresources Information
A survey of cattle production in China
by Qiu Huai, Ju Zhiyong and Chang Zhijie
©1991 FAO
FAO Animal Production and Health Paper: Livestock Breeds of China
by Cheng Peilieu (Zheng Piliu)
Animal Genetic Rresources Information
©1984 Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing
Beef in China: Agribusiness Opportunities and Challenges
by John William Longworth, Colin G. Brown, Scott A. Waldron
Animal Genetic Rresources Information
©2001 University of Queensland Press
Country Report of Australia for the FAO First Report on the State of the World’s Animal Genetic Resources
Breeding History of the German Holstein Cattle
by Prof. Dr. Wilfried Brade (University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover) and Dr. Edwin Brade (Bovine Specialist)
Journal of Agricultural Policy and Agriculture, Volume 91, Issue 2, August 2013
Domestic Animals of China
by Hellmut Epstein
Africana Pub. Corp
The Genetics of Cattle, 2nd Edition
Edited by Dorian Garrick, Anatoly Ruvinsky
Jubb, Kennedy & Palmer's Pathology of Domestic Animals, 6th Edition
Edited by M. Grant Maxie
Elsevier Health Sciences
Cryptorchidism in North American cattle: breed predisposition and clinical findings
by St Jean G, Gaughan EM, Constable PD
Beef Conformation Basics
by David L. Daniel Jr., Lisa A. Kriese-Anderson
Alabama Cooperative Extension System
Morphometric Evaluation of Phenotypic Groups of Creole Cattle of Southern Ecuador
by Edgar Lenin Aguirre-Riofrio, Rodrigo Medardo Abad-Guamán, Melania de Lourdes Uchuari-Pauta
Online References include:
DAD-IS is the Domestic Animal Diversity Information System hosted by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations. DAD provides searchable databases of breed-related information and images, management tools, and a library of references, links and contacts of Regional and National Coordinators for the Management of Animal Genetic Resources.
DAGRIS is an electronic information system designed to facilitate the compilation, organization and dissemination of information on the origin, distribution, diversity, present use and status of selected indigenous farm animal genetic resources from past and present research results together with bibliographic references. The system is developed and managed by the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Genetics Selection Evolution
IUCN Red List of Threatened Species
American Lineback Cattle Registry
Associação de Criadores de Bovinos da Raça Preta (as of 2107)
Associação dos Criadores de Bovinos de Raça Mirandesa (as of 2107)
Associação dos Criadores de Bovinos da Raça Alentejana (as of 2107)
Associação de Criadores de Bovinos da Raça Ramo Grande (as of 2107)
Associação Portuguesa de Criadores de Bovinos Salers (as of 2107)
Associação Portuguesa de Criadores de Raça Frísia (as of 2107)
Associação Nacional dos Criadores de Bovinos da Raça Arouquesa (as of 2107)
Associação dos Criadores de Bovinos de Raça Barrosã (as of 2107)
Associação de Criadores de Bovinos de Raça Alentejana (as of 2017)
Allgäuer Herdebuchgesellschaft (as of 2017)
Allgäuer Original Braunviehzuchtverein e.V. (as of 2017)
Pulmonary hypoplasia and anasarca syndrome in Cika cattle
Tanja Švara, et al.
Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica
Congenital syndactyly in cattle: four novel mutations in the low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 4 gene (LRP4)
Drögemüller C, et al.
BMC Genetics