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A-Z Alphabetical Cattle Breed Reference
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Breed Names - Cattle Groups - COUNTRIES/AREAS OF ORIGIN

Ialomita (extinct) - Romania
Ialomiteana (syn. Ialomita, extinct) - Romania
Ialomițeană (syn. Ialomita, extinct) - Romania
Ialomitza (not syn. Ialomiƫa)
Ialomiƫa (syn. Ialomita, extinct) - Romania
Ibagé - bull - Brazil
Iberian (= Spanish + Portuguese) - West Mediterranean

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Iberian (group) - East and South Mediterranean

Iberian cattle:
Albanian (syn. Illyrian) - Albania
Brown Atlas - cow - North Africa
Buša - Bosnia/Croatia/Herzegovina/Serbia
Corsican - cow - France
Greek Shorthorn - cow - Greece
Libyan - cow - Libya
Rodopi - Bulgaria
Romanian Mountain - cow - Romania

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Iberian cattle (southeast):
Murciana-Levantina - cow - Spain
Pajuna - cow - Spain

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Iberian Black cattle (central and south):
Andalusian Black (syn. Negra Andaluza) - cow - Spain
Avileña-Black Iberian - cow - Spain
Berrenda en Negro - bull - Spain
Brava de Lide - bull - Portugal
Brava dos Açores - bull - Portugal
Brave - bull - France
De Combat - bull - France
Espagnole - bull - France
Fighting bull - bull - France/Portugal/Spain
Fighting cattle - bull - Spain/Portugal/France
Ganado bravo (syn. Lidia) - cow, bull - Spain
Ganado de casta (syn. Lidia) - cow - Spain
Lidia - bull (2) - Spain
Maronesa - cow (2). bull - Portugal
Morucha - cow - Spain
Mostrenca - heifer - Spain
Raza de Lidia Casta Navarra - cow - Spain
Toro de Casta Navarra - bull - Spain

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Iberian Red cattle (central and south):
Alentejana - cow, bull, bull calf - Portugal
Andalusian Blond - cow - Spain
Berrenda en Colorado - bull - Spain
Berrenda Red Pied (syn. Berrenda en Colorado)
Mertolenga - bull (2), cow (2) - Portugal
Retinta - cow and calf - Spain
Salinera - cow - Spain
White Cáceres - cow - Spain

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ICELAND - cattle breeds
(cow, bull, heifer, heifer calf, bull calf, ox, steer):
Aberdeen Angus (imported)
Galloway (imported)
Icelandic - cow - Iceland
Icelandic Cattle (syn. Icelandic) - Iceland
Icelandic Dairy Cattle (syn. Icelandic) - Iceland
Islandska Mjölkurkýrinn - cow - Iceland
Islenskir Nautgripir (syn. Icelandic) - Iceland
Limousin (imported)

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Icelandic - cow - Iceland
Icelandic Galloway - Iceland
Iduki - India
Igahiboda - Eritrea/Ethiopia
Igarapé (extinct) - Brazil
IJssel (syn. Maas-Rijn-IJssel) - Netherlands
Il-Maltija (syn. Baqra Maltija) - Malta
Ila (singular of Baila) - Zambia
Illawarra - Australia
Illawarra Shorthorn (syn. Illawarra)- Australia
Illyrian (type of cattle) - cow - Albania/Kosovo
Illyrian Dwarf (syn. Albanian Dwarf) - Albania

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Illyrian Shorthorn cattle:
Brachykeratiki (syn. Brachyceros in Greek) - Greece
Gacko (syn. Gatacko in English) - Bosnia/Herzegovina
Gatacko - cow - Bosnia/Herzegovina
Greek Shorthorn - cow - Greece
Illyrian (type of cattle) - cow - Albania, Kosovo
Romanian Mountain - cow - Romania
Slovakian-Carpathian Brown - cow - Slovakia

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Ilocano (syn. Ilocos) - Philippines
Ilocos (var. Philippine Native) - cow - Philippines
Iloilo (var. Philippine Native) - Philippines
Improved Boran (syn. Kenya Boran) - Kenya
Improved Criollo (syn. Limonero) - Venezuela
Improved Friuli (syn. Italian Red Pied) - Italy
Improved Maremmana (syn. Chianino-Maremmana) - Italy
Improved Rodopi - Bulgaria
Improved Shorthorn (obs. syn. Shorthorn) - England
Improved Teeswater (obs. syn. Shorthorn) - England

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INDIA - cattle breeds
(cow, bull, heifer, heifer calf, bull calf, ox, steer):
Alambadi - India
Ameshi (syn. Thutho) - India
Amritmahal - cow - India
Arunachali (subtype Mithun) - India
Arvi (syn. Gaolao) - India
Assam Hill (syn. Khasi) - India
Assam Plain (syn. Khasi) - India
Bachaur - India
Badri - India
Bani (syn. Kankrej) - India
Bannai (syn. Kankrej) - India
Bargur - cow - India
Belahi - India
Bengali - Bangladesh/India
Bestal (syn. Alambadi) - India
Bhodali (syn. Gir) - India
Binjharpuri - India
Brown Swiss (imported)
Brownsind - India
Burmese Gaur - bull (2) - Cambodia/India/Malaysia/Nepal/Thailand/Viet Nam
Cauvery (syn. Alambadi) - India
Chokru (syn. Thutho) - India
Cutchi - India
Dagri - India
Dangi - India
Deoni - bull - India
Desan (syn. Gir) - India
deshi (= native)
Deshi (syn. Binjharpuri) - India
Deshi (syn. Ghumusari) - India
Deshi (syn. Khariar) - India
Deshi (syn. Motu) - India
desi (= local/indigenous) - India
Devani (var. Deoni) - India
Devarakota - India
Devni (var. Deoni) - India
Doddadana (syn. Amritmahal) - India
Dongari (syn. Deoni) - India
Dongarpati (re. Deoni) - India
Dongarpatti (syn. Deoni) - India
Dwarf Cow (syn. Vechur) - India
Frieswal - cow - India
Gangatiri (strain Hariana) - India
Gangatiri (syn. Shahabadi) - India
Gaolao - India
Gaulgani (syn. Gaolao) - India
Gaunthi (syn. Shweta Kapila) - India
Gaur - cow, bull - Cambodia/India/Malaysia/Nepal/Thailand/Viet Nam
Gauri (syn. Himachali Pahari) - India
Gavathi (syn. Kathani) - India
Gavthi dhavi (syn. Shweta Kapila) - India
Gayal - bull, cow and calf, cow - Bangladesh/India
Ghauti (syn. Dangi) - India
Ghumusar (syn. Goomsur) - India
Ghumusari - India
Gidda (re. Malnad Gidda) - India
Gir - cow, bull - India
Goomsur - ox - India
Grey Sindhi (syn. Thari) - India/Pakistan
Gujamavu (var. Hallikar) - India
Gujarat Malvi (syn. Dagri) - India
Gujarati (syn. Gir) - India
Hallikar - ox - India
Hansi (syn. Hariana) - India
Hansi (syn. Hissar) - India
Hansi-Hissar (syn. Hissar) - India
Hariana - cow - India
Himachali Pahari - India
Himdhenu (syn. Himachali Pahari) - India
Hissar - cow - India/Indonesia
Hissar-hansi (syn. Hissar) - India
Hissar-hariana (syn. Hissar) - India
Holstein-Friesian (imported)
Indigenous masi (syn. Masilum) - India
Jathi madu (syn. Umblachery) - India
Jawari Dana (syn. Amritmahal) - India
Jellicut - bull - India
Jersey (imported)
Jersind - India
Kachhi (syn. Cutchi) - India
Kalakheri (var. Dangi) - India
Kanada (syn. Dangi) - India
Kanganad (syn. Kangayam) - India
Kangayam - India
Kankrej - cow - India
Kappiliyan (var. Jellicut) - India
Karan Fries - India
Karan Swiss - cow - India
Kathani - India
Kathiawari (syn. Gir) - India
Kathiwari (syn. Gir) - India
Kaveri (syn. Alambadi) - India
Kenkatha - India
Kenwariya (syn. Kenkatha) - India
Khamala - India
Khargaon (syn. Nimari) - bull - India
Khargoni (syn. Nimari) - India
Khari (syn. Kherigarh) - India
Khariar - India
Kharigarh (syn. Kherigarh) - India
Khasi - India
Khasilum (syn. Masilum) - India
Khasimasi (syn. Masilum) - India
Kheri (syn. Kherigarh) - India
Khillari - bull - India
Khurgoni (syn. Nimari) - India
Kilakad (syn. Jellicut) - India
Kilakattu (syn. Jellicut) - India
Kilkad (syn. Jellicut) - India
Kistna Valley (syn. Krishna Valley) - India
Kongu (syn. Kangayam) - India
Konkan (syn. Konkan Kapila) - India
Konkan gidda (syn. Konkan Kapila) - India
Konkan Kapila - India
Konkani (syn. Dangi) - India
Kosali - India
Kosi (syn. Mewati) - India
Krishna Valley - bull - India
Krishnagiri - India
Kumauni - India
Ladakh Hill (type) - India
Ladakhi - cow - Kashmir valley (Himalayas)
Lakhalbunda (syn. Red Kandhari) - India
Lakhimi - India
Lambadi (syn. Alambadi) - India
Mahadeopuri (syn. Malvi) - India
Mahadeswarabetta (syn. Alambadi) - India
Malabar (syn. Malnad Gidda) - India
Malai-madu (syn. Alambadi) - India
Malnad Gidda - India
Malvi - bull - India
Mampati - India
Manapari (var. Kangayam) - India
Mandeshi (syn. Khillari) - India
Manthani (syn. Malvi) - India
Marwari (syn. Sanchori) - India
Masilum - India
Masipnar (syn. Masilum) - India
Masishnong (syn. Masilum) - India
Mewati - India
Mhaswad (var. Khillari) - India
Mithun - cow (2) - Bangladesh/Bhutan/China/India/Myanmar
Mizoram (syn. Zosial) - India
Morni (syn. Belahi) - India
Mottai madu (syn. Umblachery) - India
Motu - India
Mulakhi (syn. Kathani) - India
Nagami - India
Nagar (syn. Kankrej) - India
Nagori - cow, cow and calf - India
Nakali (var. Khillari) - India
Nari - India
Nellore (syn. Ongole) - India
Nimari - cow - India
Number Dana (syn. Amritmahal) - India
Ongole - young bull - India
Pahadi (syn. Badri) - India
Pahari (syn. Himachali Pahari) - India
Poda Thurpu - India
Ponwar - India
Pulikulam (syn. Jellicut) - India
Punganur - India
Purnea - India
Purnea (syn. Ponwar) - India
Pyaung - cow - Cambodia/India/Malaysia/Nepal/Thailand/Viet Nam
Ramgarhi (re. Madhya Pradesh Dwarf) - India
Rathi - India
Red Kandhari - India
Red Sindhi (imported)
Sahiwal (imported)
Salem (syn. Alambadi) - India
Sanchori (var. Kankrej) - India
Shahabadi - India
Sheapi (syn. Thutho) - India
Shikari (syn. Khillari) - India
Shweta Kapila - India
Silumkhasi (syn. Masilum) - India
Siri - bull - Bhutan/India/Nepal
Sirohi (syn. Nari) - India
Sitamarhi (syn. Bachaur) - India
Son Valley - cow - India
Sonkheri (var. Dangi) - India
Sorathi (syn. Gir) - India
Southern (syn. Umblachery) - India
Sunandini - cow and calf - India
Surati (syn. Gir) - India
Surti (syn. Gir) - India
Talabda (syn. Kankrej) - India
Tanjore (syn. Umblachery) - India
Tapi (syn. Thillari) - India
Tapti (syn. Thillari) - India
Taylor - India
Telangpatti (syn. Kathani) - India
Terai (imported)
Thari (syn. Tharparkar) - India
Tharparkar - young bull - India
Therkuthi madu (syn. Umblachery) - India
Thillar (syn. Khillari) - India
Thillari - ox - India
Thurpu (syn. Poda Thurpu) - India
Thutho - India
Trahbum (syn. Siri) - Bhutan/India/Nepal
Tseso (syn. Thutho) - India
Umblachery - India
Uradana (re. Malnad Gidda) - India
Vadhiyar (syn. Kankrej) - India
Vagadia (syn. Kankrej) - India
Varshagandhi (re. Malnad Gidda) - India
Vechur - India
Wadhiar (syn. Kankrej) - India
Wadial (syn. Kankrej) - India
Wagad (syn. Kankrej) - India
Waged (syn. Kankrej) - India
Wannera (syn. Deoni) - India
White Sindhi (syn. Tharparkar) - India
yakow - ox - China/India/Mongolia/Nepal/Russia
Zosial (syn. Mizoram) - India

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Indian (group) - India
Indian bison (re. Gaur) - India

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Indian cattle - dairy:
Gir - cow, bull - India
Sahiwal - cow - Pakistan
Red Sindhi - cow - Pakistan
Tharparkar - young bull - India

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Indian cattle - dual-purpose:
Dangi - India
Deoni - bull - India
Hariana - cow - India
Kankrej - cow - India
Mewati - India
Nimari - cow - India
Ongole - young bull - India
Rath - India

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Indian cattle - work:
Amritmahal - cow - India
Bachaur - India
Bargur - cow - India
Gaolao - India
Hallikar - ox - India
Kangayam - India
Kenkatha - India
Kherigarh - India
Khillari - bull - India
Krishna Valley - bull - India
Malvi - bull - India
Nagori - cow, cow and calf - India
Ponwar - India
Siri - bull - India

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Indian gaur (syn. Gaur) - India

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Indian Hill (group)

Indian Hill cattle:
Kumauni - India
Las Bela - Pakistan
Lohani - cow - Pakistan
Morang (extinct) - Nepal
Nepalese Hill (syn. Pahadi) - Nepal
Purnea - India
Rojhan - Pakistan
Siri - bull - India

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Indian Zebu (group) - India/Pakistan

Indian Zebu cattle:
desi (= local/indigenous) - India
Dhanni - Pakistan
Grey-white Shorthorned type
Gir type
Indian Hill type
Lyrehorned type
Mysore type
Red Sindhi - cow - Pakistan
Sahiwal - cow - Pakistan

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indicine (= Bos indicus (zebu) type; humped)
Indigenous masi (syn. Masilum) - India
Indo Brasil (syn. Indo-Brazilian) - Costa Rica
Indobrasil (syn. Indo-Brazilian) - El Salvador
Indo-African Zebu (syn. Mpwapwa) - Tanzania
Indo-Brazilian - cow - Brazil

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Indo-Chinese (group)

Indo-Chinese cattle:
Cambodian - cow - Cambodia
Laotian - cow - Laos
Moi - Cambodia
Vietnamese (syn. Bo Vang) - cow - Viet Nam

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Indo-Chinese Forest Ox (syn. Kouprey) - Cambodia/Laos/Viet Nam

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Indo-Chinese Zebu cattle:
Chau Doc - cow and calf - Viet Nam
Hainan High-hump 海南高驼峰牛 - bull - China
Leiqiong 雷琼牛 - bull, cow - China
Leizhou 雷州牛 - young bull - China
Taiwan Zebu - bull - Taiwan
Tuy-Hoa - bull - Viet Nam
Vietnamese - cow - Viet Nam
Wenling Humped 温岭市驼峰牛 - cow - China

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Indo-europeu leiteiro (syn. Dairy Indo-European) - Brazil
Indoanaxa (syn. Indo-Brazilian) - Brazil

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INDONESIA - cattle breeds
(cow, bull, heifer, heifer calf, bull calf, ox, steer):
Aceh - bull - Indonesia
Australian Brahman (syn. Brahman cross) - Indonesia
Bali (syn. Bali cattle) - Australia/Indonesia/Malaysia/Philippines
Balinese (syn. Bali cattle) - Australia/Indonesia/Malaysia/Philippines
Banteng - bull (2), cow - Southeast Asia
Bantiang ratuih (syn. Pesisir) - Indonesia
BC (syn. Brahman cross) - Indonesia
Bibos banteng (syn. Bali cattle) - Indonesia
Bos indicus (syn. Sumba Ongole) - Indonesia
Bos sumatraensis (syn. Pesisir) - Indonesia
Brahman cross - Indonesia
Brangus (imported)
Brenggolo (syn. Peranakan Ongole) - Indonesia
Domesticated banteng (syn. Bali cattle) - Indonesia
Donggala - Indonesia
Filial Ongole (syn. Peranakan Ongole) - Indonesia
Hissar - cow - India/Indonesia
Holstein-Friesian (imported)
Jabres - Indonesia
Java Brebes (syn. Jabres) - Indonesia
Java-Ongole Cross (syn. Peranakan Ongole) - Indonesia
Javanese - bull calf - Indonesia
Javanese Ongole (syn. Peranakan Ongole) - Indonesia
Jawa Brebes (syn. Jabres) - Indonesia
Jawi ratuih (syn. Pesisir) - Indonesia
Jersey (imported)
Krui - Indonesia
Kuantan - Indonesia
Limousin (imported)
Madoera (syn. Madura) - Indonesia
Madura - Indonesia
Madurese (syn. Madura) - Indonesia
Pasundan - Indonesia
Peranakan Ongole - Indonesia
Peranakan Ongole Kebumen - Indonesia
Pesisir - Indonesia
PO (syn. Peranakan Ongole) - Indonesia
Pogasi Agrinak - Indonesia
Rambon - bull - Indonesia
Rote - Indonesia
Sahiwal Cross (re. Taurindicus) - Indonesia
sapi Sumbawa (syn. Sumbawa) - Indonesia
SC (syn. Sahiwal Cross) - Indonesia
Simmental (imported)
SO (syn. Sumba Ongole) - Indonesia
Sumba Ongole (syn. Ongole) - Indonesia
Sumbawa - Indonesia
Upgrade Ongole (syn. Peranakan Ongole) - Indonesia

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Indonesian (group)

Indonesian cattle:
Bali cattle - cow, heifer (2), bull, young bull, cow and calf - Australia/Indonesia/Malaysia/Philippines
Borneo banteng (var. Banteng) - Indonesia/Malaysia
Borneo Zebu - Indonesia
Javanese - bull calf - Indonesia
Madura - Indonesia
Merauke - Indonesia

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Indonesian Ongole (re. Ongole) - Indonesia
Indu Brazil (syn. Indo-Brazilian) - Philippines
Indu mocho (syn. Polled Zebu) - Brazil
Indú-Brasil (re. Indo-Brazilian) - Brazil
Induberaba (syn. Indo-Brazilian) - Brazil
Indubrasil (syn. Indo-Brazilian) - Brazil
Ingessana - Sudan
inkone (re. colorsided)
Inkuku - Rwanda
Inkungu - Rwanda
Innviertel (former var. Austrian Simmental, extinct) - Austria
INRA 9 (extinct) - France
INRA 95 - bull, heifer calf - France
Inyambo - Rwanda

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IRAN - cattle breeds
(cow, bull, heifer, heifer calf, bull calf, ox, steer):
Angus (imported)
Arabi (syn. Nejdi) - Iran
Ardebili (syn. Sarabi) - Iran
Belgian Blue (imported)
Brown Swiss (imported)
Dashtiari - Iran
Gilani (syn. Mazandarani) - Iran
Golpaigani (syn. Golpayegani, extinct) - Iran
Golpayegani (extinct) - Iran
Holstein (black and white) (syn. Holstein, imported)
Holstein (red and white) (syn. Red Holstein, imported)
Jersey (imported)
Karadi (syn. Kurdi) - Iran
Kurdi - Iran/Iraq/Kurdistan
Mazandarani - bull - Iran
Montbeliarde (imported)
Nejdi - heifer - Iran
Sarabi - Iran
Sarabian (syn. Sarabi) - Iran
Simmental (imported)
Sistani (var. Afghan) - Afghanistan/Iran
Taleshi (syn. Azerbaijan Zebu) - Iran

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Iranian (group)

Iranian cattle:
Bami - Iran
Dashtiari - Iran
Golpayegani (extinct) - Iran
Mazandarani - bull - Iran
Nejdi - heifer - Iran
Sarabi - Iran
Sistani (var. Afghan) - Afghanistan/Iran

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Iranian Zebu - Iran

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IRAQ - cattle breeds
(cow, bull, heifer, heifer calf, bull calf, ox, steer):
Dishti (var. Iraqi) - Iraq
Fao (syn. Jenubi) - Iraq
Friesian (syn. Holstein-Friesian, imported)
Holstein (imported)
Iraqi - Iraq
Janbi (syn. Jenubi) - Iraq
Jenubi - cow - Iraq
Karradi - Iraq
Kurdi (syn. Karradi) - Iraq
Ma’amir (syn. Jenubi) - Iraq
Manga (syn. Jenubi) - Iraq
Manga (syn. Karradi) - Iraq
Manga (syn. Sharabi) - Iraq
Restaki (syn. Rustaqi) - Iraq
Rustaqi (var. Iraqi) - Iraq
Sharabi (var. Iraqi) - Iraq
Zubairi (syn. Jenubi) - Iraq

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Iraqi - Iraq
Irecé (extinct) - Brazil

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IRELAND - cattle breeds
(cow, bull, heifer, heifer calf, bull calf, ox, steer):
Aberdeen Angus (imported)
Aubrac (imported)
Ayrshire (imported)
Bazadais (imported)
Belgian Blue (imported)
Blended Milking Shorthorn - Ireland
Dexter - bull - Ireland
Drimmon (syn. Droimeann) - Ireland
Droimeann - cow - Ireland
Droimfhionn (syn. Droimeann) - Ireland
Hereford (imported)
Holstein-Friesian (imported)
Irish Blonde d’Aquitaine (syn. Blonde d’Aquitaine, imported)
Irish Charolais (syn. Charolais, imported)
Irish Friesian - heifer - Ireland
Irish Limousin (syn. Limousin, imported)
Irish Moiled - cow and calf - Ireland
Irish Shorthorn (syn. Beef Shorthorn, imported)
Irish Simmental (syn. Simmental, imported)
Jersey (imported)
Kerry - cow - Ireland
Marchigiana (imported)
Meuse Rhine Yssel (imported)
Montbéliarde (imported)
Normande (imported)
Parthenaise (imported)
Piedmontese (imported)
Romagnola (imported)
Salers (imported)
Speckle Park (imported)

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Iringa Red - Tanzania
Irish (syn. Old Irish Cow, extinct) - Ireland
Irish Blonde d’Aquitaine - Ireland
Irish Dun (extinct) - Ireland
Irish Friesian - heifer - Ireland
Irish Longhorn (re. Longhorn) - Ireland
Irish Moiled - cow and calf - Ireland
Irish Polled (syn. Irish Moiled) - Ireland
Irish Shorthorn (= Shorthorn in Ireland)
Irob - Ethiopia
Isigny (extinct) - France
ISK (syn. East Finncattle) - Finland
Iskar - cow - Bulgaria
Isker (not syn. Iskar)
Isker grise (syn. Iskar)
Islandska Mjölkurkýrinn (syn. Icelandic) - cow - Iceland

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ISLE OF MAN - cattle breeds
(cow, bull, heifer, heifer calf, bull calf, ox, steer):
no cattle breeds listed

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ISRAEL - cattle breeds
(cow, bull, heifer, heifer calf, bull calf, ox, steer):
Anatolian (syn. Arab) - Israel
Akshi (syn. Arab) - Israel
Arab - cow - Israel
Baladi - cow - Egypt/Israel/Jordan/Lebanon/Syria
Bedouin (syn. Arab) - Israel
Djebeli (syn. Arab) - Israel
Israeli Friesian - Israel
Israeli Holstein (syn. Israeli Friesian) - Israel
Israeli Red (syn. Simford) - Israel
Kleiti (syn. Arab) - Israel
Baladi (syn. Arab) - Israel
Oksh (syn. Arab) - Israel
Simford (imported)

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Israeli Friesian - Israel
Israeli Holstein (syn. Israeli Friesian) - Israel
Israeli Red (syn. Simford) - Israel
Issa (re. Abyssinian Shorthorned Zebu) - Ethiopia
Istar-Kvarner (syn. Istrian) - Croatia
Istarsko govečo (syn. Istrian) - Croatia
Istarsko govedo (re. Istrian) - Croatia
Istoben (syn. Istobenskaya) - Russia
Istobenskaya (syn. Istoben) - Russia
Istrian - Croatia
Italian Brown - cow - Italy
Italian Brown Alpine (syn. Italian Brown) - Italy
Italian Friesian - Italy
Italian Pinzgauer (re. Mölltal) - Italy
Italian Red Pied - bull - Italy
Italian Simmental (syn. Italian Red Pied) - Italy

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ITALY - cattle breeds
(cow, bull, heifer, heifer calf, bull calf, ox, steer):
Agerolese - cow, bull - Italy
Albese (var. Piemontese) - Italy
Aosta Chestnut (syn. Castana) - cow - Italy
Aosta Red Pied (syn. Valdostana Pezzata Rossa) - cow - Italy
Apulian Podolian (syn. Podolica) - bull - Italy
Asiago (syn. Burlina) - Italy
Bassanese (syn. Burlina) - Italy
Bettolese (syn. Pontremolese) - Italy
Bianca val padana (syn. Modenese ) - cow - Italy
Binda (syn. Burlina) - Italy
Bionda Tortonese (syn. Varzese-Ottonese-Tortonese) - Italy
Biunda (syn. Varzese-Ottonese-Tortonese) - Italy
Boccarda (syn. Burlina) - Italy
Bruna alpina (syn. Bruna Italiana) - Italy
Bruna di Val di Rendena (syn. Rendena) - Italy
Bruna Italiana - heifer, bull - Italy
Bruna Originaria - Italy
Burlina - cow, bull - Italy
Cabannina - cow - Italy
Cabellota (syn. Varzese-Ottonese-Tortonese) - Italy
Calvana - cow - Italy
Carpigiana (syn. Modenese) - Italy
Castana (syn. Valdostana Pezzata Nera) - Italy
Charolais (imported)
Chianina - cow and calf - Italy
Cinisara - cow - Italy
Del Cubante (syn. Marchigiana) - Italy
Formentina (syn. Reggiana) - Italy
Frisona Italiana (syn. Holstein-Friesian) - Italy
Friuli-Simmental (syn. Italian Red Pied) - heifer calf - Italy
Garfagnina - heifer - Italy
Grigia appeninica (syn. Garfagnina) - Italy
Grigio alpina (syn. Tyrol Grey) - Italy
Italian Brown - cow - Italy
Italian Brown Alpine (syn. Italian Brown)
Italian Red Pied - bull - Italy
Jersey (imported)
Limousin (imported)
Montana (syn. Varzese-Ottonese-Tortonese) - Italy
Marchigiana - cow - Italy
Maremmana - cow - Italy
Melina (syn. Sardo Bruna) - Italy
Modenese - cow - Italy
Modenese di Monte (syn. Garfagnina) - Italy
Modenese di pianura (syn. Modenese) - Italy
Modica-Sardinian (syn. Sardo-Modicana) - Italy
Modicana - bull - Italy
Montanara (syn. Garfagnina) - Italy
Mucca Pisana (syn. Pisana) - Italy
MuccaoPisana (syn. Pisana) - Italy
North Italian Brown (syn. Italian Brown)
Nostrana (syn. Garfagnina) - Italy
Olivastra modicana (syn. Modicana) - Italy
Oristanese (syn. Sardo-Modicana) - Italy
Oropa - cow - Italy
Pezzata degli altipiani (syn. Burlina) - Italy
Pezzata rossa norica (syn. Mölltal, extinct) - Italy
Pezzata Rossa Italiana (syn. Italian Red Pied) - cow - Italy
Pezzata Rossa Oropa (syn. Oropa) - Italy
Piedmontese (syn. Piemontese) - Italy
Piemontese - cow, heifer calf, bull - Italy
Pinzgauer - bull - Austria/Germany/Italy
Pisana - Italy
Podolica - young bull, cow - Italy
Pontremolese - cow - Italy
Pusstataler (syn. Pustertaler Sprinzen) - Austria/Italy
Pustertaler Sprinzen - cow and calf - Austria/Italy
Reggiana - cow - Italy
Rendena - cow - Italy
Romagnola - cow - Italy
Sarda - cow - Italy
Sardinian (syn. Sarda) - cow - Italy
Sardinian Brown (syn. Sardo Bruna)
Sardo Bruna - Italy
Sardo-Bruna (syn. Sardo Bruna) - Italy
Sardo-Modicana - cow - Italy
Sicilian (syn. Modicana)
Svitto (syn. Italian Brown) - Italy
Svizzera (syn. Italian Brown) - Italy
Tarina - cow and calf - Italy
Vacca Rossa (syn. Reggiana) - Italy
Valdostana Pezzata Nera - Italy
Valdostana Pezzata Rossa - cow - Italy
Varzese-Ottonese-Tortonese - heifer - Italy
White Po (syn. Modenese) - Italy

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Itäsuomenkarja (syn. East Finncattle) - cow - Finland
Izankayi (syn. Bolowana, extinct) - South Africa

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