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Romagnola -cow- Italy

(most common name)
(transboundary/brand name)

The Romagnola is a Podolian breed that originated in the plains of Emilia Romagna, in northern Italy.

Although much smaller than the Chianina, the Romagnola is quite heavy and powerful. It started as a local draught breed and in the mid-1800s began serious development as a beef breed. The Romagnola won Second Place (the Hereford won First) at the International Paris Cattle Show in 1900. A herdbook was finally started in the 1920s.

The Romagnola has been exported to Croatia to upgrade the Istrian. Between WWI and WWII, Romagnola bulls were also used for upgrading the Apulian Podolian.

The Romagnola is grouped genetically with:
Apulian Podolian
• Istrian

Podolian cattle breeds have calves born with a fawn to reddish coat that turns grey or white after about five months of maturing.

The white Podolian breeds of Italy are larger and also have more muscle and shorter horns than other Podolians.

This page was last updated on: 2023-05-20

You can also go to:

My Daily Cow® Italy and read about other Italian cattle breeds.

The Cow Wall® A-Z Cattle Breed Picture Reference to see other breeds of cattle in the world.