(most common name)
(transboundary/brand name)
(local/other name):
• Del Cubante
• Markigiana (Albania)
• Marky (USA)
The Marchigiana is a locally derived Podolian breed.
Beginning around 1850, breeding between Chianina bulls and Podolian-type cows in the region of Marche began. Later, in the early 1900s, the Romagnola was used instead of the Chianina.
The beef of the Marchigiana has a low cholesterol level.
Podolian cattle breeds have calves born with a fawn to reddish coat that turns grey or white after about five months of maturing.
The white Podolian breeds of Italy are larger and also have more muscle and shorter horns than other Podolians.
This page was last updated on: 2023-09-08
You can also go to:
My Daily Cow® Italy and read about other Italian cattle breeds.
The Cow Wall® A-Z Cattle Breed Picture Reference to see other breeds of cattle in the world.