A-Z Alphabetical Cattle Breed Reference

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Breed Names - Cattle Groups - COUNTRIES/AREAS OF ORIGIN
H’mong - Viet Nam
Habbani - Sudan
Hagalvadi (former var. Amritmahal, extinct) - India
hainag (syn. khainag) - cow - Mongolia
hainak (syn. khainag) - Mongolia
Hainan (syn. Hainan High-hump) - China
Hainan High-hump 海南高驼峰牛 - bull - China
Hainan Humped (syn. Hainan High-hump) - China
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HAITI - cattle breeds
(cow, bull, heifer, heifer calf, bull calf, ox, steer):
• Bèf - Haiti
• Brahman (imported)
• Brown Swiss (imported)
• Créole - cow (2) - Guadeloupe/Haiti/Martinique
• Guernsey (imported)
• Haitian Criollo - cow (2) - Haiti
• Holstein (imported)
• Jersey (imported)
• Nellore (syn. Nelore, imported)
• Puerto Rican (imported)
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Haitian Criollo - cow (2) - Haiti
haı̆nyk (syn. khainag) - Mongolia
Halabi (syn. Damascus) - Syria
Halep (syn. Damascus) - Syria
Halep (var. Güney Anadolu Kirmizisi, extinct) - Turkey/Türkiye
Halhïn gol - young bull, cow and calf - Mongolia
Hallikar - ox - India
Hamilton (syn. Cadzow) - Scotland
Hamitic Longhorn (extinct) - Egypt
Hammer (obs. syn. South Devon) - England
Hammer (re. Abyssinian Shorthorned Zebu) - Ethiopia
Haná-Berner (syn. Moravian Red Pied, extinct) - Czechia
Hanagamba (syn. Red Bororo) - Cameroon/Chad/Niger/Nigeria
Hanam (syn. Atpadi Mahal) - India
hanik (syn. khainag) - Mongolia
Hanna-Berne (syn. Moravian Red Pied, extinct) - Czechia
Hansi (syn. Hariana) - India
Hansi (syn. Hissar) - India
Hansi-Hissar (syn. Hissar) - India
Hanwoo 한우 - bull - Korea
Hanwoo White 백우 - bull - Korea
Hanyuan (re. Sichuan) - China
Harar (re. Abyssinian Shorthorned Zebu) - Ethiopia
Hard Hoof Criollo (syn. Curraleiro) - Brazil
Hariana - cow - India
Harmo (syn. Raya) - Ethiopia
Hartón (syn. Hartón del Valle) - Colombia
Harton (syn. Hartón del Valle) - Colombia
Hartón Caucano (syn. Hartón del Valle) - Colombia
Hartón del Valle - bull, cow - Colombia
Harvey’s cattle (syn. Tuli) - Zimbabwe
Haryana (syn. Hariana) - Cambodia
Harz Red - cow - Germany
Hash Cross (extinct) - USA
Hassawi - Saudi Arabia
Hatton - cow - Sri Lanka
Hawaiian Wild - USA
Hawazma (syn. Baggara) - Sudan
Hays Converter - bull - Canada
Hazake 哈萨克牛 - cow - China
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(cow, bull, heifer, heifer calf, bull calf, ox, steer):
• no cattle breeds listed
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Heck (syn. Heck cattle) - Germany
Heck cattle - cow and calf - Germany
Hedmark (extinct) - Norway
Heidekoe (syn. Jutland Black Pied, extinct) - Denmark
Heilbronn (extinct) - Germany
Heilongjiang - China
Heilongjiang Dairy (re. Pinzhou) - China
Helmete (syn. Bergscheck) - Austria
Herebu (syn. Braford) - Argentina
Hereford - bull - England
Hereford - Australia/Canada/New Zealand/USA
Hereford (old type) (syn. Traditional Hereford) - England
Hereford pattern (re. white-face)
Hereford (Traditional) - see Traditional Hereford
Hereland - Great Britain
Hérens - cow - France/Switzerland
Herero (syn. Damara) - Angola/Namibia
Herrgård (extinct) - Sweden
herri behiak (syn. Betizu) - Spain
herri ganadua (syn. Betizu) - Spain
Hervé Black Pied (extinct) - Belgium
Hervé Red Pied (syn. Eastern Red Pied, extinct) - Belgium
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HERZEGOVINA - cattle breeds
(cow, bull, heifer, heifer calf, bull calf, ox, steer):
• Alpine Brown - Bosnia/Herzegovina
• Buša - Albania/Bosnia/Croatia/Herzegovina/Serbia
• Busha (syn. Buša) - Albania/Bosnia/Croatia/Herzegovina/Serbia
• Frisian (syn. Holstein) - Bosnia/Herzegovina
• Gacko (syn. Gatacko) - Bosnia/Herzegovina
• Gatacko - cow - Bosnia/Herzegovina
• Holstein (imported)
• Montafona (syn. Alpine Brown) - Bosnia/Herzegovina
• Posavina (syn. Posavsko, extinct) - Bosnia/Croatia/Herzegovina
• Posavska gulja (syn. Posavsko, extinct) - Bosnia/Croatia/Herzegovina
• Posavsko (extinct) - Bosnia/Croatia/Herzegovina
• Sava (syn. Posavsko, extinct) - Bosnia/Croatia/Herzegovina
• Simmental (imported)
• Tyrolean Grey (syn. Tyrol Grey) - Bosnia/Herzegovina
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Hesse Red (var. German Red) - Germany
Hesse-Westphalian Red (extinct) - Germany
Hessian Red (syn. Hesse Red) - Germany
Heugu 한우 - cow - Korea
High-hump (syn. South China Zebu) - China
Highland - cow - Scotland
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Highland (group) - Germany
Highland cattle:
• German Brown - cow - Germany
• German Red - cow - Germany
• German Simmental - heifer - Germany
• German Yellow (syn. Gelbvieh) - cow - Germany
• Mottled Hill - Germany
• Murnau-Werdenfelser - cow - Germany
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Highland Khmer - Cambodia
Highland Zebu (syn. Kikuyu) - Kenya
Highlander (syn. Highland) - Croatia
hill (syn. Highland group) - Germany
hill (syn. Indian Hill) - India
Himachali Pahari - India
Himdhenu (syn. Himachali Pahari) - India
Hinterwald (syn. Hinterwälder) - Germany
Hinterwälder - bull, cow - Germany
Hinterwälder Fleischnutzung - Germany
Hissar - cow - India/Indonesia
Hissar-hansi (syn. Hissar) - India
Hissar-hariana (syn. Hissar) - India
Hobanwoo (syn. Chikso) - Republic of Korea
Höhenfleckvieh (obs. syn. German Simmental) - Germany
Höhenvieh (syn. Highland group) - Germany
Holandês (syn. Holstein, imported) - Brazil
Holandesa (syn. Holstein, imported) - Brazil
Holandesa vermelha (e branca) (syn. Red-and-White Friesian) - Brazil
Holandese (syn. Turino) - Brazil/Portugal
Holando (syn. Holstein - Boliviano) - Bolivia
Holando (syn. Holstein-Friesian) - Paraguay
Holando Argentino - heifer - Argentina
Holando europeo (syn. Overo negro europeo) - Chile
Holando Friesio-Argentino (syn. Holando Argentino) - Argentina
Holderness (extinct) - England
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Holgus - USA
Holland (obs. syn. Dutch Black Pied) - Netherlands
Holland (syn. Friesian)
Hollandaise (re. Dutch)
Hollandaise pie-noire (obs. syn. Prim’Holstein) - France
Holländisch (re. Dutch)
Holloway - Azerbaijan
Holmogor (not syn. Kholmogory)
Holmogorskaya (not syn. Kholmogory)
Holmonger - young bull - Namibia
Holstein - cow, heifer - Canada/USA
Holstein - Boliviano - Bolivia
Holstein (re. Red Pied Schleswig-Holstein, extinct) - Germany
Holstein (black and white) (syn. Holstein)
Holstein (black and white) (syn. Holstein-Friesian)
Holstein (red and white) (syn. Red Holstein)
Holstein cross - Saint Lucia
Holstein Friesian/Guzera - Brazil
Holstein Friesland - heifer - South Africa
Holstein Geest (extinct) - Germany
Holstein Marsh (syn. Red Pied Schleswig-Holstein, extinct) - Germany
Holstein Pie Rouge (syn. Red Holstein) - Belgium
Holstein Red Pied (syn. Red Pied Schleswig-Holstein, extinct) - Germany
Holstein Tropical - Cuba
Holstein-Friesian (syn. Holstein) - Canada/USA
Holstein-Friesian - cow, bull - Netherlands
Holstein-Friesian Red (syn. Red Holstein) - USA
Holstein-friz (syn. Holstein-Friesian) - Hungary
Holstein-Jersian - Germany
Holstein-Rbt (Rbt = Rotbunte; Rotbunte = Red Pied) - Germany
Holstein-Sbt (Sbt = Schwarzbunte; Schwarzbunte = Black Pied) - Germany
Holsteinische Geest (syn. Holstein Geest, extinct) - Germany
Holsteinské (syn. Holstein) - Slovakia
Holštýnské (syn. Holstein) - Czechia
Holstynsky (syn. Holstein) - Czechia
Holtchin-Friz (syn. Holstein Friesian) - Azerbaijan
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HOLY SEE - cattle breeds
(cow, bull, heifer, heifer calf, bull calf, ox, steer):
• no cattle breeds listed
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Honduran Criollo - cow - Honduras
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HONDURAS - cattle breeds
(cow, bull, heifer, heifer calf, bull calf, ox, steer):
• AFS (syn. Australian Friesian Sahiwal, imported)
• Angus (imported)
• Ayrshire (imported)
• Beefmaster (imported)
• Brahman (imported)
• Bralers (imported)
• Brangus (imported)
• Braunvieh (syn. Beef Brown Swiss, imported)
• Charbray (imported)
• Charolais (imported)
• Criollo - cow - Bolivia/El Salvador/Guatemala/Honduras/Peru/Suriname
• Criollo encastado - Honduras
• Droughtmaster (imported)
• Guernsey (imported)
• Guzerat (imported)
• Gyr (syn. Gir, imported)
• Gyr de leche (syn. Dairy Gir, imported)
• Hereford (imported)
• Holstein (imported)
• Honduran Criollo - cow - Honduras
• Indubrasil (syn. Indo-Brazilian, imported)
• Jersey (imported)
• Nelore (imported)
• Pardo Suizo (syn. Brown Swiss, imported)
• Pinzgauer (imported)
• Red Polled (syn. Red Poll, imported)
• Red Shine - Honduras
• Redshindi leche (syn. Red Sindhi, imported)
• Romagnola (imported)
• Sahiwal (imported)
• Salers (imported)
• Santa Gertrudis (imported)
• Sardo Negro (imported)
• Shorthorn (imported)
• Simbrah (imported)
• Simmental (imported)
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Hong Kong - China
Hordaland (extinct) - Norway
Horned Lowland (obs. syn. Norwegian Red-and-White, extinct) - Norway
Horned Sinú (syn. Costeño con Cuernos) - Colombia
Hornet slettefe (obs. syn. Norwegian Red-and-White, extinct) - Norway
Horosan (re. Khurasani) - Turkmenistan
Horqin (syn. Keerqin) - China
Horro - bull - Ethiopia
Hortón del valle (not syn. Hartón del Valle)
Hotlander - USA
Hottentot (extinct) - South Africa
Hoyas (re. Ecuador Criollo) - Ecuador
Hřbinecký (var. Czech Pied) - Czechia
Hrvatska (= Croation)
Hrvatska buša (syn. Croatian Red) - Croatia
Hrvatska Simentalac (syn. Croatian Simmental) - Croatia
hsaine (not syn. Tsine)
Huang niu (syn. yellow cattle) - China
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Huanghuai (group) - China
Huanghuai cattle:
• Bohai Black 渤海黑牛 - bull - China
• Jiaxian Red 郏县红牛 - cow - China
• Jinan 济南牛 - cow - China
• Jinnan 晋南黄牛 - cow - China
• Luxi 隆林牛 - cow - China
• Pinglu Mountain 平陆山地牛 - bull - China
• Qinchuan 秦川母牛 - bull - China
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Huangpi (syn. Huangpo) - China
Huangpo (var. Dabieshan) - China
Huertana (var. Murciana-Levantina) - Spain
Hugenoot (syn. Huguenot) - South Africa
Huguenot - South Africa
Humbe (syn. Humbi) - Angola
Humbi - Angola
humlie (humlie = polled)
humlie (re. Buchan Humlie, extinct) - Scotland
Humpless longhorns (re. West African humpless) - West Africa
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Humpless shorthorns (group) - Africa
Humpless shorthorn cattle:
• Bakosi (re. Chieftainry cattle) - Cameroon
• Bakweri (re. Chieftainry cattle) - Cameroon
• Baoulé - Côte d’Ivoire
• Doayo (syn. Namchi) - Cameroon
• Forest Muturu - Nigeria
• Ghana Dwarf Muturu - Ghana
• Ghana Shorthorn - Ghana
• Kapsiki - bull - Cameroon
• Lagune - Benin/Côte d'Ivoire/Togo
• Liberian Dwarf - Liberia
• Lobi - cow - Burkina Faso
• Logone - Chad
• Savanna Muturu - Nigeria
• Sheko - Ethiopia
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Hungarian Brown (extinct) - Hungary
Hungarian Brown Dairy (syn. Dairy Hungarian Brown, extinct) - Hungary
Hungarian Dairy Fleckvieh (syn. Dairy Hungarian Pied, extinct) - Hungary
Hungarian Fleckvieh (syn. Magyartarka) - Hungary
Hungarian Gray Cattle - Hungary
Hungarian Grey - heifer - Hungary
Hungarian Holstein-Friesian - Hungary
Hungarian Pied - heifer calf - Hungary
Hungarian Red Dairy (not syn. Dairy Hungarian Brown, extinct)
Hungarian Red Pied (syn. Hungarian Pied) - Hungary
Hungarian Red Spotted (syn. Hungarian Pied) - Hungary
Hungarian Red-and-White (syn. Hungarian Pied) - Hungary
Hungarian Silver (syn. Hungarian Grey) - Hungary
Hungarian Simmental (syn. Hungarian Pied) - Hungary
Hungarian Spotted (syn. Magyartarka) - Hungary
Hungarian Spotted Dairy (syn. Dairy Hungarian Pied, extinct) - Hungary
Hungarian Steppe (syn. Hungarian Grey) - Hungary
Hungarofries - cow - Hungary
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HUNGARY - cattle breeds
(cow, bull, heifer, heifer calf, bull calf, ox, steer):
• Aberdeen Angus (imported)
• Aubrac (imported)
• Ayrshire (imported)
• Belgian White-Blue (imported)
• Blonde d’Aquitaine (imported)
• Brown Swiss (imported)
• Charolais (imported)
• Galloway (imported)
• Hereford (imported)
• Holstein-friz (syn. Holstein-Friesian, imported)
• Hungarian Bison - Hungary
• Hungarian Fleckvieh (syn. Magyartarka) - Hungary
• Hungarian Gray Cattle - Hungary
• Hungarian Grey - heifer - Hungary
• Hungarian Pied (syn. Magyartarka) - heifer calf - Hungary
• Hungarian Simmental (syn. Magyartarka) - Hungary
• Hungarian Spotted (syn. Magyartarka) - Hungary
• Hungarofries - cow - Hungary
• Jersey (imported)
• Kárpáti borzderes - cow and calf - Hungary
• Limousin (imported)
• Lincoln Red (imported)
• Magyar szürke - cow - Hungary
• Magyartarka - bull - Hungary
• Meuse-Rhine-Yssel (imported)
• Murray Grey (imported)
• Pankota Red - cow and calf - Hungary
• Svéd vörös (syn. Swedish Red, imported)
• Wagyu (japán fekete) (imported)
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Hutsul (extinct) - Ukraine
Hwangpei (not syn. Huangpi/Huangpo)
Hwangpo (not syn. Huangpi/Huangpo)
Hyogo (strain Japanese Black) - Japan
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