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Czech Pied -cow- Czech Republic

Czech Pied
(most common name in English)

(most common name):
Cesky strakaty skot
(transboundary/brand name):
• Simmental
(local/other name):
• Český strakatý
• Ceskestrakate
• Strakaty skot
• Cervenostrakaty skot
local/other name (English):
• Bohemian Pied
• Bohemian Spotted
• Czech Brindled
• Czech Red Spotted
• Czech Red-and-White
• Czech Simmental
• Czech Spotted
• Simmental Cattle
local/other name (German):
• Tschechische Fleckvieh

The Czech Pied is the most important breed of the Czech Republic — for both dairy and beef.

The Czech Pied began in the mid-19th century as a composite of the Czech Red, local strains and the Simmental. To improve milk production, Ayrshire and Red Holstein genes were added from 1955–1958.

However, since 1995, the continued addition of the Montbéliarde and Simmental has essentially made this breed a composite population that could be better characterized as ‘Red Pied cattle in the Czech Republic’.

There is also a very small population of ‘unimproved’ animals that have not been influenced by foreign genes. Since 2010, they have been conserved separately under the name of Cesky strakaty - original type (Czech Red Pied - original type).

The Czech Pied is known for its good health, adaptability, good reproductive qualities and good udder.

Varieties of Czech Pied include:
• Bohemian Red Pied
• Hřbínecký
• Kravařský
• Moravian Red Pied (extinct)
• Sudeten Pied (extinct)

This page was last updated on: 2023-07-17

You can also go to:

My Daily Cow® Czechia/Czech Republic and read about other Czech cattle breeds.

The Cow Wall® A-Z Cattle Breed Picture Reference to see other breeds of cattle in the world.