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A-Z Alphabetical Cattle Breed Reference
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Breed Names - Cattle Groups - COUNTRIES/AREAS OF ORIGIN

l’Isker grise (syn. Iskar) - Mali
La race Ferrando-Forezienne (syn. Ferrandaise) - France
La race des Pyrénées-Occidentales (syn. Béarnais) - France
La race du Puy-de-Dôme (syn. Ferrandaise) - France
La Velasquez (syn. Velásquez) - Colombia
Ladakh Hill (type) - India
Ladakhi - cow - Kashmir valley (Himalayas)
Lageano (re. Crioulo Lageano) - Brazil
Lagone (not syn. Logone)
Lagoon (syn. Ghana Dwarf Muturu) - Ghana
Lagos keteku (re. Keteku) - Nigeria
Laguiole (syn. Aubrac) - France
Lagunaire (syn. Lagune) - Benin/Côte d’Ivoire/Togo
Lagune - Benin/Côte d'Ivoire/Togo
Lahn (extinct) - Germany
Laisind - Viet Nam
Lake Chad (re. Kuri) - Cameroon/Chad/Niger/Nigeria
Lakenvelder - cow - Netherlands
Lakhalbhinda (not syn. Red Kandhari)
Lakhalbunda (syn. Red Kandhari) - India
Lambadi (syn. Alambadi) - India
Lambi Bar (syn. Sahiwal) - Pakistan
Lancashire (obs. syn. Longhorn) - heifer calf - England
Land Shorthorn (syn. German Shorthorn) - Germany
Landim (var. Nguni) - cow - Mozambique
Lang (re. Tibetan) - China
Lang Son (var. Vietnamese) - Viet Nam
Lango (syn. Nkedi) - Uganda
Lanka (syn. Sinhala) - Sri Lanka
Länsisuomenkarja (syn. West Finncattle) - cow - Finland

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(cow, bull, heifer, heifer calf, bull calf, ox, steer):
Australian Friesian Sahiwal (imported)
Burmese banteng (syn. Tsine) - Cambodia/Laos
Cambodian Wild Ox (syn. Kouprey) - Cambodia/Laos/Viet Nam
Grey Cambodian Ox (syn. Kouprey) - Cambodia/Laos/Viet Nam
Indo-Chinese Forest Ox (syn. Kouprey) - Cambodia/Laos/Viet Nam
Kouprey - Cambodia/Laos/Thailand/Viet Nam
Laotian - cow - Laos
Ngoua (syn. Laotian) - Laos
Tsine - bull - Cambodia/Laos
Yellow Asian (syn. Laotian) - Laos

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Laotian - cow - Laos
Lapinlehmä (syn. Pohjoissuomenkarja) - Finland
Laramane (syn. Black and White) - Albania
Laramane e Zeze (syn. Laramane) - Albania
Lare e Kuge (syn. Simmental) - Albania

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Large East African Zebu (group)

Large East African Zebu cattle:
Boran group
Karamajong group
North Sudan group
South Sudan group

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Las Bela - Pakistan
Lateral-horned Zeb (re. Afrikaner) - South Africa
Latuka (var. Mongalla) - Sudan
Latuke (syn. Latuka) - Sudan

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LATVIA - cattle breeds
(cow, bull, heifer, heifer calf, bull calf, ox, steer):
Aberdeen Angus (imported)
Angler (syn. Angeln, imported)
Ayrshire (imported)
Charolais (imported)
Danish Red (imported)
Galloway (imported)
Hereford (imported)
Highland (imported)
Holstein (imported)
Jûras govs (syn. Latvijas zilâ) - Latvia
Latvian Black Pied (extinct) - Latvia
Latvian Blue (syn. Latvijas zilâ) - Latvia
Latvian Brown (syn. Latvijas Brūnā) - Latvia
Latvian Red Pied (extinct) - Latvia
Latvian Red-Brown (syn. Latvian Brown) - Latvia
Latvijas Brūnā (syn. Latvian Brown) - Latvia
Latvijas Brūnā vecais tips (syn. Latvian Brown old type) - Latvia
Latvijas zilâ (syn. Latvian Blue) - Latvia
LB (syn. Latvian Brown) - Latvia
Limousin (imported)
Red Holstein (imported)
Simmental (imported)
Swedish Red-and-White (imported)
Swiss Brown (imported)

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Latvian Black Pied (extinct) - Latvia
Latvian Blue - Latvia
Latvian Brown - Latvia
Latvian Brown-and-White (syn. Latvian Red Pied, extinct) - Latvia
Latvian Red (syn. Latvian Brown) - Latvia
Latvian Red Pied (extinct) - Latvia
Latvian Red-Brown (syn. Latvian Brown) - Latvia
Latviı̆skaya krasno-pestraya (syn. Latvian Red Pied, extinct) - Latvia
Latvijas Brūnā (syn. Latvian Brown) - Latvia
Latvijas Brūnā vecais tips (syn. Latvian Brown old type) - Latvia
Latvijas zilâ (syn. Latvian Blue) - Latvia
Lavanttal (syn. Carinthian Blond) - Austria
Lavinia - Brazil
LB (syn. Latvian Brown) - Latvia
Le Mans (syn. Mancelle, extinct) - France
Lebanese - heifer - Lebanon/Syria

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LEBANON - cattle breeds
(cow, bull, heifer, heifer calf, bull calf, ox, steer):
Akshi - cow and calf - Jordan/Lebanon/Syria
Baladi - cow - Egypt/Israel/Jordan/Lebanon/Syria
Lebanese - heifer - Lebanon/Syria
Lebanon Baladi (var. Egyptian) - Lebanon

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Lebaniega (extinct) - Spain
Lebanon Baladi (var. Egyptian) - Lebanon
Lebedin (syn. Lebedyn) - Ukraine
Lebedinska (syn. Lebedyn) - Ukraine
Lebedinskaya (syn. Lebedyn) - Ukraine
Lebedyn - Ukraine
Lechtal (extinct) - Austria
Legítimo (syn. Southern Crioulo, extinct) - Brazil
Leicestershire (obs. syn. Longhorn) - England
Leintaler (syn. Limpurger) - Germany
Leiqiong 雷琼牛 - bull, cow - China
Leizhou 雷州牛 - young bull - China
Leizind (not syn. Laisind)
Lembu Bali (syn. Bali cattle) - Australia/Indonesia/Malaysia/Philippines
Lena-iri (var. Sinhala) - Sri Lanka
Leonesa (syn. Leonese) - Spain
Leonese - heifer - Spain
Lepcha (re. Tibetan) - China

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LESOTHO - cattle breeds
(cow, bull, heifer, heifer calf, bull calf, ox, steer):
Afrikander (syn. Afrikaner, imported)
Basotho - Lesotho
Basuto - Lesotho
Brahman (imported)
Brown Swiss (imported)
Drakensberger (imported)
Hereford (imported)
Holstein-Friesian (imported)
Jersey (imported)

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Lesser Caucasus (re. Caucasian Brown) - Georgia
Levantina (syn. Murciana-Levantina) - Spain
Lhang (re. Tibetan) - China
Lhasa - China
Liangshan - China
Liaoyu White - China

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LIBERIA - cattle breeds
(cow, bull, heifer, heifer calf, bull calf, ox, steer):
Liberian Dwarf - Liberia
Liberian Dwarf Muturu (syn. Liberian Dwarf) - Liberia
Muturu (syn. Liberian Dwarf) - Liberia
N’Dama - cow - West Africa

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Liberian Dwarf - Liberia
Liberian Dwarf Muturu (syn. Liberian Dwarf) - Liberia

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LIBYA - cattle breeds
(cow, bull, heifer, heifer calf, bull calf, ox, steer):
Holstein-Friesian (imported)
Jersey (imported)
Libyan - cow - Libya
Libyan Brown Atlas (syn. Libyan) - Libya
Libyan Shorthorn (syn. Libyan) - Libya
Mahalli (syn. Libyan) - Libya
Santa Gertrudis (imported)

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Libyan - cow - Libya
Libyan Brown Atlas (syn. Libyan) - Libya
Libyan Shorthorn (syn. Libyan) - Libya
Lichtes Alpenvieh (obs. syn. Austrian Yellow) - Austria
Lichtes Höhenvieh (obs. syn. Austrian Yellow) - Austria
LID (syn. Local Indian Dairy) - Malaysia
Lidia - Mexico
Lidia (syn. Fighting bull) - bull (2) - Spain
Liébana (syn. Lebaniega, extinct) - Spain

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LIECHTENSTEIN - cattle breeds
(cow, bull, heifer, heifer calf, bull calf, ox, steer):
no cattle breeds listed

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Lietuvos baltnugariai (syn. Lithuanian White Back) - Lithuania
Lietuvos šemieji (syn. Lithuanian Light Grey) - Lithuania
Lietuvos zalieji (syn. Lithuanian Red) - Lithuania
Lietuvos žalųjų (syn. Lithuanian Red) - Lithuania
Light Alpine (syn. Austrian Yellow) - Austria
Light Mountain (syn. Austrian Yellow) - Austria
Lilu - China
Lim (var. Buša) - Serbia
Limangus - Argentina
Limburg (syn. Lahn, extinct) - Germany
Limiá (syn. Limiana) - Spain
Limiana (syn. Limiá) - heifer - Spain
Limonero (syn. Rio Limón Dairy Criollo) - bull - Venezuela
Limousin - bull - France
Limousin (syn. American Limousin) - bull - Canada//USA
Limousine (syn. Limousin) - France
Limousine (syn. Limousin) - cow - Portugal
Limpurger - young bull - Germany
Limun (extinct) - Belgium
Limuzin (syn. Limousin) - Azerbaijan
Lincoln (syn. Lincoln Red) - Falkland Islands
Lincoln Red - cow - England
Lincoln Red (Original) - England
Lincolnshire Beef Poll (obs. syn. Polled Lincoln Red) - England
Lineback (re. Lineback Cattle) - USA
Lineback Cattle - cow - USA
Ling (not syn. Luing)
Lingnan (re. Bashan) - China
Liping - China
Lisasto (syn. Simmental) - Slovenia
Lisasto govedo (syn. Simmental) - Slovenia
Lišna Red (extinct) - Czechia

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LITHUANIA - cattle breeds
(cow, bull, heifer, heifer calf, bull calf, ox, steer):
Angler (syn. Angeln, imported)
Angus (imported)
Aubrac (imported)
Ayrshire (imported)
British Friesian (imported)
Brown Swiss (imported)
Charolais (imported)
Danish Black and White (syn. Danish Black Pied, imported)
Danish Red (imported)
Dutch Black and White (syn. Dutch Black Pied (HF), imported)
Galloway (imported)
German black and white (syn. German Holstein, imported)
German red and white (syn. German Red Pied Holstein, imported)
Hereford (imported)
Highland (imported)
Holstein (imported)
Lietuvos juodmargiai (syn. Lithuanian Black Pied) - Lithuania
Lietuvos šemieji (syn. Lithuanian Light Grey) - Lithuania
Lietuvos zalieji (syn. Lithuanian Red) - Lithuania
Lietuvos žalųjų (syn. Lithuanian Red) - Lithuania
Limousin (imported)
Lithuanian Black and White (syn. Lithuanian Black Pied) - Lithuania
Lithuanian Black and White old genotype - Lithuania
Lithuanian Black Pied - cow - Lithuania
Lithuanian Light Grey - heifer - Lithuania
Lithuanian Red - cow - Lithuania
Lithuanian Red (LR) (syn. Lithuanian Red) - Lithuania
Lithuanian Red old genotype - Lithuania
Lithuanian White Back - Lithuania
Red and White Holstein (syn. Red Holstein, imported)
Simmental (imported)
Swedish black and white (syn. Swedish Holstein, imported)
Swedish Red-and-White (imported)
Whitebacked Cattle (syn. Lithuanian White Back) - Lithuania

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Lithuanian Black and White (syn. Lithuanian Black Pied) - Lithuania
Lithuanian Black and White old genotype - Lithuania
Lithuanian Black Pied - cow - Lithuania
Lithuanian Light Grey - heifer - Lithuania
Lithuanian Red - cow - Lithuania
Lithuanian Red (LR) (syn. Lithuanian Red) - Lithuania
Lithuanian Red old genotype - Lithuania
Lithuanian White Back - Lithuania
Llanero - cow - Venezuela
Llanero (syn. Casanareño) - Colombia
Llanos Criollo (syn. Casanareño) - Colombia
LM (syn. Latvian Black Pied) - Latvia
Lobi - cow - Burkina Faso
Lobi-Gouin (syn. Lobi) - Burkina Faso
Local - Palestine
Local Estonian (syn. Estonian Native) - Estonia
Local Indian Dairy - bull calf - Malaysia
Logone - Chad
Lohani - cow - Pakistan
Lola (syn. Sahiwal) - Pakistan
Longhorn - cow - England
Longhorn (syn. Texas Longhorn) - USA
Longlin 隆林牛 (re. Panjiang) - cow and calf - China
Lopa e Lekbibajt (syn. Busha) - Albania
Lopa Gurgucka (syn. Busha) - Albania
Lord Caernarvon’s breed (extinct) - England
Loriı̆ (extinct) - Armenia
Lorquina (former var. Murciana-Levantina, extinct) - Spain
Lourdais - cow - France
Lourdaise (syn. Lourdais) - France
Low-humped (syn. Huanghuai) - China
Lower Guadiana Spotted (re. Guadiana Spotted) - Portugal
Lower Rhine (syn. Rhineland, extinct) - Germany

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Lowland (group) - Germany

Lowland cattle of Germany:
Angeln - cow - Germany
German Black Pied Lowland - cow - Germany
German Red Pied - cow (2) - Germany
German Shorthorn - young bull - Germany

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Lowland Khmer - Cambodia
Lowland Red and White Cattle (syn. Polska czerwono-biała (ZR)) - Poland
Lowland Red Pied (re. French Red Pied Lowland) - France

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Lowland Zebu (group) - Ethiopia

Lowland Zebu cattle of Ethiopia:
Jijiga - cow - Ethiopia
• Ogaden Zebu - Ethiopia

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Lowland Zebu (syn. Coastal Zebu) - Kenya
Lowland Zebu (syn. Ogaden Zebu) - Ethiopia
Lowlands Black Pied (obs. syn. Dutch Black Pied) - Netherlands
Lowline - Australia
Lozi (syn. Barotse) - Angola/Zambia
LR (syn. Latvian Red Pied) - Latvia
LSK (syn. Länsisuomenkarja) - Finland
Lucanian (former var. Apulian Podolian, extinct) - Italy
Lucerna - cow - Colombia
Lugware - bull - DR Congo/Uganda
Luhyia (syn. Winam) - Kenya
Luing - cow - Scotland
Lulu - Nepal
Luo (syn. Winam) - Kenya
Luso-Holandese (syn. Turino) - Brazil/Portugal

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LUXEMBOURG - cattle breeds
(cow, bull, heifer, heifer calf, bull calf, ox, steer):
Angus (imported)
Aubrac (imported)
Blanc bleu (syn. Belgian Blue, imported)
Blonde d’Aquitaine (imported)
Braunvieh (imported)
Charolais (imported)
Fleckvieh (syn. Simmental, imported)
Highland (imported)
Holstein (imported)
Holstein-Friesian (imported)
Jersey (imported)
Limousin (imported)
Luxembourg Black Pied - Luxembourg
Montbéliarde (imported)
Murray Grey (imported)
Normande (imported)
Pie-noire de Luxembourg (syn. Luxembourg Black Pied) - Luxembourg
Pie-Rouge de l’Oesling - Luxembourg
Red Holstein (imported)
Wagyu (imported)
Welsh Black (imported)

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Luxembourg Black Pied - Luxembourg
Luxi 隆林牛 - cow - China
Lynch Lineback - Canada
Lyngdal (extinct) - Norway

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Lyrehorned (group) - India/Pakistan

Lyrehorned cattle:
Kankrej - cow - India
Kenkatha - India
Kherigarh - India
Malvi - bull - India
Ponwar - India
Tarai - Nepal
Thari - ox - Pakistan
Tharparkar - young bull - India

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Lyrehorned zebu (group) - West Africa

Lyrehorned zebu cattle:
Gobra - cow - Mauritania/Senegal
Sudanese Fulani - cow - Burkina Faso/Mali
White Fulani - bull - Cameroon/Nigeria

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