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Rio Limón Dairy Criollo -cow- Venezuela

Rio Limón Dairy Criollo
(local/other name in English)

(most common name):
(local/other name):
• Criollo lechero
• Criollo lechero limonero
• Criollo Lechero Venezolano
• Limonero
• Río Limón
local/other name (English):
• Venezuelan Dairy Criollo
• Improved Criollo

The Rio Limón Dairy Criollo is a variety of the Tropical Dairy Criollo and is found in northwest Venezuela in the state of Zulia.

Rio Limón Dairy Criollo coat colors can be:
• light and dark red with cream-yellow skin
bayo (tan with black points) with black skin

(Spanish) bayo = bay (when referring to cattle coat color: reddish-brown or brown usually with a black point coloration of the tail, ear edges, and lower legs)

This page was last updated on: 2023-05-20

You can also go to:

My Daily Cow® Venezuela and read about other Venezuelan cattle breeds.

The Cow Wall® A-Z Cattle Breed Picture Reference to see other breeds of cattle in the world.