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Costeño con Cuernos -bull- Colombia

Costeño con Cuernos
(most common name)

(local/other name):
• Andaluz
• Cornígero de la costa
• Sinuano de cuernos (= horned Sinú)
local/other name (English):
• Coastal Horned

The Costeño con Cuernos began with Spanish cattle that became Criollo cattle in what is now the department of Córdoba (Departamento de Córdoba) which is on the northern Colombian coastline where the Sinú River (Río Sinú) flows. This breed is well adapted to the hot, arid savannahs along the Caribbean Sea.

Previously, the Costeño con Cuernos was thought to be the foundation of:
Hartón del Valle
Chino Santandereano
However, microsatellites show only a strong connection with the Romosinuano.

The Costeño con Cuernos is usually red or blond. Originally a dual-purpose working/dairy breed, the remaining animals are now maintained primarily for milk production. Bulls in commercial enterprises are also used for mating with cows of a different genetic composition (but with predominantly zebu blood).

Costeño con Cuernos population numbers are quite small and they are considered endangered. Although conservation initiatives began in 1940, a conservation herd was only first assembled around 1950. Finally in 1994, a formal conservation breeding scheme was started which involves the breed being considered as ten families with a rotation of sires among them. So far, it has been relatively successful in retaining genetic variation.

NOTE: The rob(1;29) chromosomal translocation has not been detected in this breed. (Known to depress bull fertility, it was found in 22% of Colombian cattle examined.)

(Spanish) costeño = coastal
(Spanish) cuernos = horns

This page was last updated on: 2023-08-25

You can also go to:

My Daily Cow® Colombia and read about other Colombian cattle breeds.

The Cow Wall® A-Z Cattle Breed Picture Reference to see other breeds of cattle in the world.