(most common name)
(local/other name):
• Moruno-Sinuano
• Romo
• Romu
local/other name (English):
• Coastal Polled
• Polled Sinú
The Romosinuano, acknowledged in 1936, is found in the Valle del Sinú (Sinú river valley), on the Caribbean coast of the department of Córdoba in Colombia.
Microsatellite and mtDNA studies show the Romosinuano to be a polled derivation of the Costeño con Cuernos. The sources of the (dominant) polled gene are possibly from the Red Poll or Red Angus.
As a beef breed for the subtropics, the Romosinuano has been adopted for study and development. A Costa Rican Romosinuano bloodline incorporates Hereford and zebu-influenced dairy Criollo cattle.
The Romosinuano has:
• a similar degree of heat tolerance as zebu breeds
• a high degree of resistance to brucellosis
The Romosinuano has also shown value for crossing with zebu for beef production. In 1994, a formal in vivo conservation scheme for the Romosinuano began. Managed as eight families with a rotation of sires among them, it has been relatively successful in retaining genetic variation.
A crossbreeding program with Red Poll sires and Romosinuano-zebu cattle has resulted in a beef cattle breed called Velásquez.
(Spanish) Romosinuano = ‘hornless from the Sinu’, polled Sinú
(Spanish) romo = blunt
This page was last updated on: 2023-08-13
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