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Banteng -bull- Southeast Asia

(most common name in Indonesia/Malaysia)
(transboundary/brand name in Malaysia)

local/other name (Latin):
• Bibos Banteng Wagner
• Bos javanicus
• Bos sondaicus
• Bos Sondaicus Schlegel and Müller

The Banteng is a wild cattle species found in Southeast Asia.

The three Banteng varieties:
Tsine or Burmese banteng (Bos javanicus birmanicus)
• temadau or Borneo banteng (Bos javanicus lowi)
• Java banteng (Bos javanicus javanicus)

Banteng vs Bali cattle - Banteng are/have:
• bigger
• more conspicuous sexual dimorphism
• larger horns, on average
• more developed withers and thoracic cresting
• less developed hindquarters
• white rump patch and white stockings
• cows that are yellow to brownish-yellow
• bulls that are also reddish-brown turning black/brown with maturity

Since 2020, in the DAD-IS database Banteng are reported by only two countries: Indonesia and Malaysia.

Urban growth, along with hunting, habitat destruction and wars have made Banteng numbers very small and led to protection in most places.

Like the Gaur, the Banteng have impressive profiles with deep dewlaps and elongated crests over their withers and thoracic spine. Instead of fighting head to head, they usually just posture to see who is bigger; the smaller one then backs off.

Older Banteng bulls have pebbled skin between their horns (which can get quite large). Females look like deer. The white rump patch is known as the ‘mirror’.

Banteng are shy. As a breed they are highly productive. Bulls join herds of females only during rutting season. Banteng also adapt favorably to minimum pasture and fodder conditions.

The Banteng belongs to the Bibovine cattle group. Bibovine refers to several species of large Southeast Asian wild cattle that are closely related to common cattle.

Banteng -cow- Southeast Asia Banteng -bull- Southeast Asia

This page was last updated on: 2024-07-07

You can also go to:

The Cow Wall® A-Z Cattle Breed Picture Reference
to see other breeds of cattle in the world.

My Daily Cow® Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand and read about other Indonesian, Malaysian and Thai cattle breeds.