(most common name)
(transboundary/brand name)
local/other name (Spanish):
• Crioulo de las Sierras
• Serrano
local/other name (English):
• Altiplano Criollo
• Bolivian Altiplano Criollo
• Criollo of the Altiplano
• Peruvian Criollo
• Peruvian Sierra Criollo
The Chusco of Ecuador and Bolivia is a beef breed that is considered to be a variety of Bolivian Criollo and is adapted to the highland plain of western Bolivia (in the department of La Paz).
The Chusco of Peru are multi-purpose cattle that have not been formally classified into breeds. ‘Chusco’ is reported to mean ‘mongrel’. They are well adapted to highland conditions in elevations above 3,500 ASL.
Also in Peru, there is more or less indiscriminate crossing with Brown Swiss, Holstein, Aberdeen-Angus and others — so coat coloration varies greatly.
Chusco are also found in Chile and Guatemala.
ASL = Above Sea Level
This page was last updated on: 2023-05-16
You can also go to:
My Daily Cow® Bolivia and read about other Bolivian cattle breeds.
My Daily Cow® Chile and read about other Chilean cattle breeds.
My Daily Cow® Ecuador and read about other Ecuadoran cattle breeds.
My Daily Cow® Guatemala and read about other Guatemalan cattle breeds.
My Daily Cow® Peru and read about other Peruvian cattle breeds.
The Cow Wall® A-Z Cattle Breed Picture Reference to see other breeds of cattle in the world.