Swedish Polled
(local/other name in English)
(most common name):
• Svensk kullig boskap (skb)
(local/other name):
• Röd kullig lantras
local/other name (English):
• North Swedish
According to Mason (Encyclopedia 2016):
The Swedish Red Polled and the Swedish Mountain were amalgamated in 1937 into a grouping called ‘Swedish Polled’. However, separate breed societies persist within this grouping with each society engaging in separate breeding activities. Also, a distinction between the Swedish Red Polled and the Swedish Mountain is supported by microsatellite studies.
• 1996 - Swedish Mountain Cattle Breeding Association (Svensk Fjällrasavel ) formed
According to Felius (Encyclopedia 1995):
The Swedish Polled herdbook [Svensk Kullig Boskap (SKB)] was established in 1938 in which both the Swedish Mountain and the Swedish Red Polled were included and together named ‘North Swedish’.
According to Mason (Dictionary 2020):
The Swedish Polled is a dairy breed that can be red, red-and-white, or white; a herdbook and breed society were established in 1938; (kullig = polled).
According to Google Translate 2021:
• (Swedish) kullig = hilly
• (Swedish) Svensk kullig boskap = Swedish hilly cattle
• (Swedish) Röd kullig lantras = Red hilly landrace
According to DAD-IS 2021:
The Swedish Polled is listed separately and also confusingly has a local/other name of ‘Swedish Red Polled’ . However, the following breeds that are grouped under the banner of ‘Swedish Polled’ by Mason are listed separately in the database as:
• Rödkulla (Swedish Red Polled)
• Fjällnära boskap
• Fjällras (Swedish Mountain)
This page was last updated on: 2023-05-20
You can also go to:
My Daily Cow® Sweden and read about other Swedish cattle breeds.
The Cow Wall® A-Z Cattle Breed Picture Reference to see other breeds of cattle in the world.