VIDEO: The Raw Pineapple Trilogy
Ah yes, we can see that you're already suckered into watching all three because HEY! that's The Way of the pineapple.
Ah yes, we can see that you're already suckered into watching all three because HEY! that's The Way of the pineapple.
You should really start with: The Making of The Raw Pineapple
Then watch: The Raw Pineapple
And finally absorb: Outtakes of The Raw Pineapple
That way The Way will be totally within you. It's the only pineapple thing you can do.
For The Making of The Raw Pineapple, the two documentary cameras used were Panasonic DVX-100's. The Designated Educator Camera was a Canon XL-1S. (The assumption is that anyone else doing an after school program will have only one camera - hence the DEC.) Lishka was miced using a Sony ECM-77 wireless with a WRT-28 transmitter (no longer available but there are newer kinds out there). A Sennheiser ME-80 shotgun mic (also not made anymore) and a Sound Devices 302 Mixer were also used. The students were filmed in front of a Chromaflex screen and a blue LiteRing was attached to the DEC (both from reflecmedia).
The Raw Pineapple is a simple story: the state of California breaks loose and floats into the islands of Hawaii and then they BOTH start heading towards the country of India. What do you think will happen? This film is filled with authentic surfer slang, triggerfish, some Hawaiian and New Zealand dialect and plenty of other silliness mixed with fact. (There really is a Mumbai International Film Festival for Short and Animated Films.)
Editing of The Raw Pineapple was done on Final Cut Pro 4. The two big chunks of music and some incidental music were provided by SmartSound's Sonicfire Pro and the other incidental music was composed using Soundtrack (which is a part of Final Cut Pro). The keying for the compositing was done using dvMatte Pro from dvGarage.
While editing Outtakes of The Raw Pineapple, we discovered that a pineapple cut in half and with two olives stuck on for eyes was continually hilarious. Since you couldn't be there – watch this.
see also: