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Parda de Montaña -cow- Spain

Parda de Montaña
(most common name)

(local/other name):
• Bruna de los Pirineos
• Parda Leonesa
• Parda Pirenaica
local/other name (English):
• Pyrenean Brown

The Parda de Montaña is a sire line with a herdbook that started in 1989.

The Parda de Montaña is known for being rustic, well adapted to the mountains, possessing good maternal instincts, and raised for beef.

NOTE: As of 2018, the Parda de Montaña is listed by Spain in DAD-IS as a seperate breed with a separate population count and separate morphology information from the Parda and the Bruna dels Pirineus (Catalan for ‘Brown of the Pyrenees’).

(Spanish) parda = brown

This page was last updated on: 2023-08-10

You can also go to:

My Daily Cow® Spain and read about other Spanish cattle breeds.

The Cow Wall® A-Z Cattle Breed Picture Reference to see other breeds of cattle in the world.