(most common name)
(local/other name):
• Junqueira
The Junqueiro was listed in the 2020 DAD-IS database as extinct since 2006. It is also listed as extinct in Mason Dictionary (2020). However, the 2023 DAD-IS listing shows new information about the breed and also a Cryo Program in place since 2021. So it may not actually be extinct.
The Junqueiro was a variety/descendant of the Franqueiro.
The Junqueiro was formally bred by the Junqueiro family in the state of Minas Gerais in southeastern Brazil.
The Junqueiro had a brown coat and long horns which grew disproportionately large. Because of their extreme horn size, the breed was particularly well adapted to heat stress. The blood vessels in the horns allowed them to function as a radiator and thus cool the animal down. (Some animals had horns, after removal from the head, which were capable of storing between 5 and 12 liters of liquid.)
This page was last updated on: 2023-10-06
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My Daily Cow® Brazil and read about other Brazilian cattle breeds.
The Cow Wall® A-Z Cattle Breed Picture Reference to see other breeds of cattle in the world.