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Carora -cow- Venezuela

(most common name)

(local/other name):
• Caroreña
Tipo Carora

The Carora is a cross (during 1935–1975) between the local Criollo cows — known as Amarillo de Quebrada Arriba — (1/4–1/8) and imported American Brown Swiss and European Swiss Brown bulls. Genotypically the breed is now 84% Brown Swiss.

A Carora breed society was formed in 1979. Official recognition was obtained in 1982.

The Carora is currently listed as extinct in the DAD-IS database with the last population update in 2006. However, Mason Encyclopedia (2016) states that a fairly strong population of registered animals and crossbreds in the process of upgrading existed at the end of 2013.

This page was last updated on: 2023-05-15

You can also go to:

My Daily Cow® Venezuela and read about other Venezuelan cattle breeds.

The Cow Wall® A-Z Cattle Breed Picture Reference to see other breeds of cattle in the world.