(most common name)
(local/other name):
• Pintado
The Cajamarca, considered to be a dual-purpose milk biotype of Ecuador Criollo, is found on lower ground in the middle-elevation (1,500–1,800 meters ASL) zone of the province of Loja.
The Cajamarca is one of four biotypes that are genetically similar to each other in the Southern Region of Ecuador (SRE). The other three are:
• Colorado (dual-purpose meat)
• Encerado (dual-purpose milk)
• Negro Lojano/Black Lojano (dual-purpose milk)
All four of these SRE biotypes show:
• a small stature
• light weight
• triangular head form
• longilinear body (long rather than broad)
• rump slightly longer than wide
24% of the Cajamarca are polled.
The Cajamarca is being conserved as a separate breed because experience elsewhere has shown that these four biotypes are highly likely to have genetic and other differences that are not revealed by microsatellite methods.
ASL = Above Sea Level
This page was last updated on: 2023-05-15
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