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Belted Galloway -cow and calf- Scotland

Belted Galloway
(most common name)
(transboundary/brand name)

(local/other name):
• Beltie
• Galloway (Brazil)
• Sheeted Galloway
• White-middled Galloway

The Belted Galloway originated in Dumfriesshire (aka County of Dumfries) in southwest Scotland. It is believed that its color pattern is the result of Lakenvelder (Dutch Belted) influence in the 17th century.

A Dun and Belted Galloway Association was founded in 1921 and the first herdbook was published in 1922. The herdbook also registered the Red Belted Galloway. The association changed its name to the Belted Cattle Society in 1951 and decided to exclude dun animals. However, White Galloway and Red Galloway are now also included in their registry.

The official Belted Galloway color pattern consists of a white belt with a background color that is usually black, but may be dun or occasionally red. Females that show white (other than the belt) above the dewclaw and males that show any white other than the belt — are ineligible for registration.

The Belted Galloway coat is comprised of coarse outer hairs that shed rain and a tighter undercoat that provides insulation.

The Belted Galloway is a hardy breed that utilizes coarse grasses and is adapted to rough grazing.

In the USA, Belted Galloways were imported in the late 1940s by Harry A. Prock of Whitemarsh, Pennsylvania.

The Belted Galloway can also be found in:
• Australia (breed society 1975)
• Brazil
• Canada
• France
• Germany
• Netherlands
• New Zealand (breed society 1948)
• USA (breed society 1951)

This page was last updated on: 2024-04-13

You can also go to:

My Daily Cow® Scotland and read about other Scottish cattle breeds.

The Cow Wall® A-Z Cattle Breed Picture Reference to see other breeds of cattle in the world.