(most common name)
(transboundary/brand name)
(local/other name):
• La race Tarentaise
• Tarina (Italy)
• Tarine (Albania)
The Tarentaise developed in the Tarentaise valley in Savoie on the Swiss border. Tarentaise milk is used for production of PDO cheeses. In May, they are kept on the foothills (montagnettes); then they are moved to alpine pastures (over 1,500 m ASL) until November.
• 1863 - Tarentaise breed name made official
• 1888 - Tarentaise herdbook established
Even though their colors differ, microsatellite and SNP studies show the Tarentaise to be closely related to the Abondance.
The Tarentaise coat is wheat-colored to reddish; bulls are always darker than cows. A dark-colored eel-stripe (raie de milet) and correct coloration is valued. On the bull, forequarters are almost black, and the following are usually black:
• rims of the ears
• eyelids
• underpart of the dewlap
• nose
• rims of the hoofs
• body orifices
• lower part of the scrotum
Although the Tarentaise is bred primarily for dairy, it is also used for vegetation management and beef.
(French) raie de milet = dorsal line, dorsal stripe, eel-stripe
(French) montagnettes = small mountains
ASL = above sea level
This page was last updated on: 2024-06-08
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